
That Dog Don't Hunt

June 28th, 2017 1:44 am

"It all started when my dog began getting free roll over minutes." Jay London, American Standup Comic


June 28, 2017


By: Linda Case Gibbons


          It worked in Canada and France, so the "Old Dog Democrats" thought it would work in Georgia's 6th District.

          Their candidate fit the profile. Metrosexual. Skinny suits. And a bleeding heart.

          In fact, Jon Ossoff was the mirror image of current Liberal leaders, French President Emmanuel Macron and Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, with the same platforms. Young Socialists, like brothers from another mother.

          Refugees? They were for them. "Send us more," Trudeau said. Islamic terrorists? "What are you, pal? A xenophobe?" the French president said.

          Globalization? "It's the bomb." Climate change? "It's a bigger threat than ISIS." The European Union? "The best thing since organic kale."

          And I betcha', as we speak, Ossoff is texting Trudeau, asking him where he bought the Ramadan-themed socks the prime minister wore to a recent LGBT Pride Parade.

          This is their platform, and actually it was former President Obama's.

          The difference is that Obama was the exception to the rule. He was the first black president, and voters had stars in their eyes. Until they saw the way Obama was steering their country.

          They didn't realize that when he said he was going to "fundamentally transform the United States of America," that he really meant he was going to fundamentally transform the United States of America...into Europe...or Venezuela.

          That's when they voted for Trump.

          The truth is you can't teach an old dog new tricks. The Old Dog Democrats and Hollywood poured gobs of money into Ossoff's race, $23 million bucks, just like they did with Hillary. And Ossoff lost, just like Hillary.

          Yet Democrats continue to refuse to learn from the experience, insisting on putting their hands on that hot stove, again and again. And the only message they have is "Resist Donald Trump."

          How's that working out for them? Well, they're 0 for 4, losing special elections in Montana, South Carolina, Kansas and Georgia.

          So while Cryin' Chuck keeps on hawking the same old line, that Democrats will oppose, resist and protest, Americans are just not buying it. Because, unlike Schumer and Nancy Pelosi, and yes, Hillary, they are out there "living the dream."

          They are the ones with the unaffordable Obamacare deductibles that make their healthcare disappear; the workers who were laid off because of Obamacare restrictions; and citizens who are fearful and angry at the careless government which allowed unrestricted immigration into our country, and the judges who supported it.

          That's when they voted for Trump. Because he gave a damn. And because it was nice to see someone who didn't spend the month of March putting together his "brackets."

          They chose the best candidate, one they could trust, like you trust your own dog.

          In fact, that's exactly what the residents of Rabbit Hash, Kentucky did. They voted a dog into office, Mayor Brynneth Pawltro, the fourth time for a dog.

          Although Pawltro wasn't a "career politician," the three-year-old rescue pit bull won in a landslide, beating out a cat, a chicken, a donkey and a couple of other furry creatures.

          Not only did the people get someone who did a good job, probably by doing nothing at all, but the town benefited from the mock vote fund raiser.

          "We charge you a dollar for your vote. And you can vote as often as you want," Bobbi Kayser, a member of the town historical society said.

          This year the election funds will go toward town repairs and improvements, and to repair the General Store, which was damaged last year in an electrical fire.

          It's possible Democrats will take a lesson from this politician's victory, and run a candidate who knows the folks he'll be serving, and is someone voters can trust.

          Not just a "pig in a poke," or like the "dogs" Dems and Hollywood have been backing for far too long.

          Hold the line, America.

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