
Gentleman George

March 29th, 2017 1:34 am

 "I used to care about what people thought of me until one day I tried to pay my bills with their opinions." Farrah Gray, American Businessman


March 29, 2017


By: Linda Case Gibbons


           They called him a gentleman only after he wasn't president anymore. Then the Liberal media loved him.

           They said George Bush was gracious because he faded into presidential retirement and never commented on President Obama's presidency. Liberals liked that.

           Apparently Republicans in Congress did, too. They never had expectations that Bush 43 would be concerned about the direction the country was taking. After all, they weren't. And apparently he wasn't.

          While Obama systematically dismantled the country, Establishment Republicans like Bush never said a word. They ignored Obama's presidential overreach, helped him pass Obamacare, raised the debt ceiling for him and let him flood our nation with illegal immigrants and refugees.

         With nary a peep.

         You'd have thought these Republicans were Democrats. But they had an excuse. "We can't catch a break! We have to have a Republican president in the White House so we can do our job!"

          But after their ship came in, Republicans in Congress were unhappy. They hated the guy who was elected.

          They got a president who said what he meant and meant what he said. One who kept his campaign promises. And they were mad because they didn't do any of these things. And he made them look bad.

         Over the years, they had picked up a lot of bad habits, and now they were part of that swamp that needed to be drained. They liked their jobs, they were scared they'd lose them, and so they did the only they could think of. They collaborated to get rid of him.

          Even Gentleman George.

          Now, Bush is speaking out.

          On Trump's Inauguration Day, he was reported as saying, "That was some weird shit." That wasn't very nice! But it went over great with the Trump Haters. And the "Free Press" loved him for saying it.

          Lately Bush has been innuendo-ing it with members of the "Free Press," NBC's Matt Lauer, People magazine and National Public Radio, while he talked about his watercolors of wounded soldiers.

          With a comment here, lots of chuckles there, Bush even chuckled as Lauer reminded him of the phrase "American carnage" Trump used in his Inaugural Address.

          If you've forgotten, the "carnage" was "rusted out factories scattered like tombstones across the landscape," an over-funded education system that "leaves our children behind," and "the crime, the gangs and the drugs."

          And the president's promise that "this American carnage stops right here and right now."

          In response to Lauer's question, "Did you ever consider the media to be the enemy of the American people?" Bush ironically said no, that there is a need "for an independent call to account people who abuse power..." and he pushed the wholesome, supposedly un-Trump-like-values, regarding Trump's "travel ban," as unendorsable by him, because Bush believes "a bedrock of our freedom is the right to worship freely."

          John McCain couldn't have said it better.

          We know why Bush is suddenly so mouthy. He's bitter. About what Trump said about Jeb during the campaign. And because Trump was right about what he said about Jeb during the campaign.

          George is still angry that his brother wasn't smart enough, or good enough, or popular enough to be president. It's the same way Hillary Clinton feels, and for the same reasons.

          Even with their own "dynasties," these two couldn't pull off winning the election. Voters knew neither Hillary nor Brother Jeb were very good at what the pair thought they were "entitled to do." Run our country.

         It's embarrassing for them, especially now when Trump is running the country just fine. Without a dynasty. Without help from his Republican colleagues. And with brutal, and lately criminal opposition from Liberals and Democrats.

         Yes, George. Hillary. McCain. Ryan. Maxine Waters, Obama and Susan Rice. You name 'em, they're joining forces across the aisle to make Trump fail.

         And the good of the country? Of the American people? Never entered their minds. If it had, George Bush would have spoken out eight years ago. Unless he agreed with Obama. After all, he is pretty chummy with Barack and Bill.

          Not that there's anything wrong with that...

          So the question is: Now that Bush is finally speaking out about a sitting president, as he vowed he would never do, to the Free Press, will he speak out about the Obama administration spying on candidate Trump?

          On President-Elect Trump?

          About Susan Rice lying...again?

          Will he speak out about the mayors, governors, the cities and states that sanctify the Sanctuary city and state concept, subverting the Rule of Law, declaring they will protect illegal immigrants before their own citizens?

          Heck, it seems clear. If Donald Trump does nothing more than expose the laziness and self-absorbed, self-centered, self-serving, selfish nature of our elected officials in Washington, in Congress, in retirement and across the fruited plains of our country, that'll be enough.

          Hold the line, America.

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