
Our New Monarchy

July 24th, 2024 2:00 pm
“It’s not denial. I’m just selective about the reality I accept.” Bill Watterson, Calvin and Hobbs Cartoonist

July 24, 2024, And Every Wednesday

By Linda Case Gibbons, Esq.
(Check out Lest We Forget and FYI.)

Democrats. When they’re done with you, they’re done with you. 

Look at Harvey Weinstein. He was the darling of Hollywood and Political Hot Shots, until he wasn’t. 

Now look at Joe. He wasn’t useful as a figurehead any longer, and now he’s gone. Just like that.

Denial. Distraction. Dismissal. Violence. Out and out lies. These are tools that work, and ones Democrats are good at using.

Little more than a week ago, Donald Trump was nearly killed in what looked like a plan to kill him. We all saw it on TV.

And it looks like the kid might have had some help.

Shocking as political violence is in our country, the media immediately turned away from assassination to focus on Joe, his Covid, and his “surprising” decision to stop his campaign for president. Ironically, a decision reached eleven days after Trump survived an attack on his life.

Trump’s “ear injury” was dismissed as “superficial” by Dr. Anthony Fauci. “I don’t think there is much more to it,” Fauci told CNN’s Wolf Blitzer. 

So why are we talking about “assassination?” Well, the media won’t, and neither will the Secret Service. Today FBI Director Wray told a Congressional committee that he, too, had nothing to add.

Ten days down the road none of these agencies have anything much to say. They're just not interested.

In the meanwhile, we’re told to move on. But when violence has been allowed to silence a political opponent, how can we move on?

It was reassuring to see bipartisan agreement in Congress regarding Director Kimberley Cheadle’s abysmal performance as head of the Secret Service on July 13. 

And while it was good to then hear that there was accountability, and that Cheadle is out on her ear, that will only feel good for about five minutes.

After that we’re left with the fact that here, in America, violence won. 

Simple incompetence can’t explain what we saw on July 13. We know incompetence when we see it because we’ve been seeing it for four years in Joe’s administration. Kirby, Blinken, Buttigieg, Kamala, Garland, Austin, just to name a few.

But even given the Joe Biden Level of Government Incompetence, no government entity can be as bad as what we saw at the Butler, Pa. rally without it being a deliberate action.

We know. We had a front row seat on that day. 

And we know it from history, from the assassination of Abraham Lincoln, and Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. 

We know from the attempted murders of Congressional members on the baseball field in D.C. The thwarted attempt to kill Justice Kavanagh, and the brutal beatings Sen. Rand Paul has sustained.

Violence to silence a political opponent. It’s not new.

Now we are expected to forget about Donald Trump, and focus on Kamala Harris as a presidential candidate. 

Kamala Harris, who has been both incompetent and negligent in the performance of her assigned duties as vice president. 

Kamala Harris who has supported bail for the violent rioters in the George Floyd riots in Minnesota. 

The Kamala Harris who is already carrying on Joe’s policies, especially his bad judgment regarding U.S. foreign policy, and his reluctance to combat anti-Semitism sweeping our country.

Today she, as President of the Senate, refused to preside at Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu’s address before a joint session of Congress, and in doing so, carried on Joe’s foreign policy toward Israel. A United States ally.

Kamala was in Indiana. Campaigning. 

And that’s before Joe’s body is even cold…so to speak.

Hold the line, America.
Stay strong, Patriots

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