
Let's Turn the Page

September 18th, 2024 12:13 pm
“Part of my act is meant to shake you up.  It looks like I’m being funny, but I’m reminding you of other things. Life is tough, darling. Life is hard. And we better laugh at everything,
otherwise we’re going down the tubes.” Joan Rivers

September 18, 2024, And Every Wednesday

By Linda Case Gibbons, Esq.
(Check out Lest We Forget and FYI.)


We’re running out of road, friends. 

We’re watching, helpless, as the Trump -haters plan their next move, and we’re just watching, waiting, until, I hate to say it, Trump is laid out in state in the Capitol Rotunda.

Come to think of it, Nancy Pelosi would probably not allow even that.

Don’t kid yourself, these people, Kamala, Joe, Hillary, Liz and Dick Cheney, they mean business.

All you have to do is listen. 

The media, Hillary, Liz Cheney, and Rachel Vindman, the wife of the former impeachment witness against Trump, are allowed to talk the way they do, cruelly blaming Trump for being s ot, rejoicing in their own bullying. 

And the Department of Justice does nothing. 

It’s no laughing matter.

We can talk about the death threats to Trump until we’re blue in the face. 

“How did someone like Routh escape FBI observation?” “How was he able to sit outside Trump’s golf course unnoticed for 12 hours?” “How did the FBI allow the Butler assassin’s body to be released and cremated.”

Why ask? You know the answers.

Don’t blame it on lack of resources. Even with a $35.26-trillion-dollar U.S. debt, the Secret Service should be able to afford a police dog.

McGruff the Crime Dog would probably do it for free. He likes to Take a Bite Out of Crime.

“We have to do everything possible to ensure he’s (Trump) not re-elected,” Liz Cheney said on September 8. 

After Trump was shot in Butler, Pa.

“In our nation’s 248-year history, there has never been an individual who is a greater threat to our republic than Donald Trump,” Dick Cheney said on September 7.

They’re plenty angry, and why not? 

The Democrats and the Leftist media hated Darth Vader Cheney until he bad-mouthed Trump.

And poor Liz. She ran a crooked, unsuccessful January 6 Congressional hearing against Trump, and was defeated by more than 2 to 1 by Trump-backed Harriet Hageman in her run for Congress. That's gotta' hurt. But it couldn't have happened to a nicer girl.

Hillary is still pretty angry about losing the presidential election to Trump, but the mainstream media keeps letting her whine about it.

“I don’t understand why it’s so difficult for the press to have a consistent narrative about how dangerous Trump is,” Hillary said a day after the Trump assassination attempt.

“He is a danger to our country and the world.”

Of course, she’s got that backwards. Unfortunately, she has the bully pulpit, and we don’t.

But listen to her carefully. 

She retreaded the 2016 Russia, Russia, Russia hoax, which she orchestrated, and said what she and Obama as Alinsky-ites -- and Joe and Kamala as members of Obama’s Third Term -- intend.

Complete the Fundamental Transformation of America.

“I also think there are Americans who are engaged in this kind of propaganda, (of course she’s got that backwards), and whether they should be civilly or, even in some cases, criminally charged, is something that would be a better deterrence.”

It would be if we didn’t have a Constitution.

Then there’s Kamala’s Platform. Joy. 

Who doesn’t like “joy?” But we know joy won’t pay the mortgage, and “joy” is all Kamala has to offer. 

Her problem is Donald Trump isn’t dead, and that makes problems for all of them.

He’s the one who knows guys don’t need tampons, that there are only two genders. And he doesn’t, unlike Tim Walz, bow to the crowd, Chinese-style. 

That’s why they hate him. I've heard there's something called “Folie a plusieurs.”

It's “a psychological syndrome where a group of seemingly normal people develop a shared psychosis, when they are together.”

Like the Manson Family...Like Trump Derangement Syndrome.

The Democrats are hoping they can call Trump’s bluff by threatening him. By forcing him to stop what he’s doing and make him quit. 

But, they know he won’t. Tom Petty’s song could be Trump’s theme song. 

“You can stand me up at the gates of hell, and I won’t back down.” 

They know Donald Trump will not surrender, and they’re counting on him staying in the race, which will place him smack in the crosshairs of some assassin’s gun.

They'll deny it. The media won't admit it. But now it's all they've got.

And they're calling it Joy.

Hold the line, America.
Stay strong, Patriots.

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