Anyone can see a forest fire. Skill lies in sniffing the first smoke." Robert A. Heinlein, American Science Fiction Writer
November 4, 2020, And Every Wednesday
By: Linda Case Gibbons, Esq.
We should have known when they stopped teaching cursive writing.
It wasn't a good sign.
Civil War soldiers wrote lovely letters to their families, and had beautiful penmanship. Our kids can't do that.
Schools scrapped teaching penmanship, because, we are told, it was a "waste of time," and took time away from teaching Common Core.
That's the curriculum where everyone is taught to think like everyone else.
At that time we didn't think much about it.
Then there was the Green New Deal. We laughed at it, especially the part about cows, although the cows weren't amused.
We laughed at it. Because it was so ridiculous.
We laughed when Speaker Pelosi broke House rules to begin impeachment proceedings against President Trump, thinking it was a one time thing. And when she used the Wuhan Virus to push mail-in voting, and to lock down the country.
When Democrats said we should eliminate the Electoral College, and threatened to increase the number of Supreme Court justices, we laughed, confident something so foolish could never happen.
And we laughed at how stupid our kids were, educated as they were in Liberal-American-hating schools and unversities.
We believed in Law and Order, so we waited.
We waited for Inspector General Michael E. Horowitz to release his report on FBI Director James Comey and his handling of the Hillary Clinton email investigation, and the Two-Year-Long Mueller Report on alleged Russia Collusion.
Trump was found faultless, but so were the Deep Staters. And the brain-addled Mueller refused to let Trump off the Russian hook.
Now it's U.S. Attorney John Durham's turn to report on the FBI's shameful behavior in Crossfire Hurricane, but the report keeps getting pushed further back on the back burner.
And we're not told why.
Any one of us could have written these reports. Years ago. We saw the evidence, destroyed phones and emails by a secretary of state.
The glib, smirking faces of Comey, Strzok and other Deep Staters testfying, all of whom were not indicted, but who are now CNN contributors.
We knew who was guilty, but no one was held responsible. It's because the game was always rigged. It's the way Democrats roll.
Today, after their defeat in 2016 Democrats vowed, "Never again!"
They figured out how to win this time around: Stack the deck by using fraudulent mail-in voting, and creating an Election Day that never ends, so extra votes can be slipped in where needed. Post election chaos was always part of the plan.
Crooked politician who are in bed with foreign powers, like Joe and Hunter, Hillary and Bill, and a feckless Republican Establishment, including "conservatives" in Congress, like Mitt Romney, John McCain, and Jeff Flake, have given away our country, doing nothing while corruption and Communism infiltrated our government.
Americans who run their lives by honoring the Rule of Law, believe Law and Order will prevail.
They say, "Well, we hold the Senate." And, "They can't do that (fill in the blanks). It's against the Constitution.
That's because these are people who stop for a Red Light, and go on Green. That's why they elected Donald J. Trump in 2016. A Law and Order president.
Trump is The One, the only man with the courage and fortitude to stand against whatever the Democrats throw at him. But with this election, that could all be over.
Unless we continue the work he began.
The Democrat Party has callously and selfishly nominated a mentally-deficient candidate, and if Joe Biden wins. If Kamala Harris is pushed into the presidency, Democrats will have taken a country that started with a Bang, and made it end in a Whimper.
Hold the line, America.
Where We Go One, We Go All.
Stay strong, Patriots
Check out "Lest We Forget"