December 16th, 2020
5:13 pm
"Conformity may give you a quiet life. It may even bring you a University Chair. But all change in history, all advance comes from the nonconformists. If there had been no troublemakers,
no dissenters, we would all still be living in caves." A.J.B. Taylor,
British Historian
December 16, 2020
By Linda Case Gibbons, Esq.
It started when Obama had one reluctant foot out the White House door, and it has never stopped: The plot to get rid of Donald Trump.
The original plan was to install a figurehead. That was Hillary. But then she lost, and Trump won, and Obama's Make America Socialist applecart was derailed.
The new plan is pretty much the same. Install a senile old man as a Figurehead President. That's Joe. And after he's in, after Joe has "won," then and only then the media can finally discuss senility. And the Biden financial dealings in China and Ukraine.
With senility on the table, they'll start to get rid of the Old Guard, now questioning the mental acuity of the 86-year-old Sen. Feinstein. Tomorrow perhaps tackling the mental powers of the 80-year-old Speaker of the House Pelosi. All of this to clear the decks for new Socialist blood.
This is how it will unfold.
After Joe is sworn in, he'll wait a bit, then he'll step down, with the excuse, as he said in one of his Gaffe-Interviews with CNN's Jake Tapper about his days with Obama, if and when he might have a moral disagreement. "I'll develop some disease and say I have to resign."
Somehow, even though 75 million Americans didn't vote for Joe, and Kamala Harris wasn't able to attract even one percent of supporters when running for president, they're both in like flynn.
And if angry voters say the 2020 Election was fraught with fraud, the social and mainstream media tell them they're crazy.
"Joe won!" they shout. "Move on! Stop asking questions! Give up!"
Yesterday Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell did just that. Speaking from the Senate floor, McConnell gave up, and collected his Sixteen Pieces of Silver.
McConnell warned GOP senators not to dispute the Electoral College tally when Congress convenes on Jan. 6, only concerned about endangering the Republican Party's position in the Georgia senate runoff in January. And his own neck.
Not concerned about Trump. Not about election fraud.
“Many of us had hoped the presidential election would yield a different result,” he said. “But our system of government has the processes to determine who will be sworn in on Jan. 20. The Electoral College has spoken.”
And then he congratulated "President-Elect" Joe.
Don't think for a moment that his comments have anything to do with his wife's connection to China. His wife, Secretary of Transportation Elaine Chao is Chinese, and she does have close ties to China. Her family is in business in Beijing. Just as the Biden Crime Family has close ties and does business there.
Now Sleepy Joe is busy at work choosing his Cabinet. And they're all coming back. Susan Rice, Samantha Power, Sally Yates, John Kerry, Obama acolytes.
Remember Rice? The families of Chris Stevens, Sean Smith, Glen Doherty and Tyrone Woods sure do.
She's the liar who appeared on all the Sunday shows after the massacre in Benghazi. She talked the Obama/Clinton Talking points, insisting that filmmaker Nakoula's Muslim video caused the attack.
It didn't.
Rice will hold a position on Biden's Domestic Policy Council, and served on Netflix's Board, where the Obamas make their nasty partisan flicks. Nakoula ended up in jail and afterwards, homeless.
Former Obama security adviser Samantha Power may head up the U.S. Agency for International Development.
Curiously and inappropriately while ambassador to the United Nations, Power requested the unmasking of Gen. Michael Flynn. Later, when testifying before the House Intelligence Committee under oath, she claimed she had "no recollection" of doing that even though it was proven she did so seven times.
Sally Yates, when acting attorney general, directed Justice Deparment employees to refuse to carry out newly-elected President Trump's Muslim travel restrictions.
Now she's on the short list for Biden's attorney general.
And then there's John Kerry. The guy who was not entirely truthful about his service in Vietnam. And that's being generous.
As secretary of state, Kerry negotiated the flawed Iran Nuclear Deal, while Iranians shouted "Death to America." And, during negotiations, fell off his bike, and broke his leg.
After the Charlie Hebdo attack, Kerry missed the rally, but brought James Taylor to Paris to sing "You've Got a Friend" to make up for the Obama administration's callous disregard. He's back, too.
Of course you will always remember 2020 and the Chinese Pandemic.
But you'll also remember it as the year American cities were burned, historical statues were tumbled, and American history was destroyed. A year when a San Francisco school district actually removed Honest Abe's name from a school because, they said, "Lincoln didn't demonstrate that black lives mattered to him."
But mostly you will remember 2020 as the year Mediocrity rose to unparalleled heights in American city, state and federal government.
And there are still four more years to go.
Hold the line, America.
Where We Go One, We Go All.
Stay strong, Patriots
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