"I've never really wanted to go to Japan, simply because I don't like eating fish. And I know that's very popular out there in Africa." Britney Spears
August 19, 2020
By: Linda Case Gibbons, Esq.
Mom used to say, "If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all."
If the Democratic Party followed that advice, they wouldn't have had a convention this week.
She could have added, "Don't say stupid stuff." But if Democrats followed that advice, there wouldn't be a Democrat Party.
People can say some pretty stupid things. Unkind things.That doesn't mean they're ignorant. Or mean.
But maybe it does.
And it's not just Liberals like Whoopi Goldberg.
After Lunchbox Joe won on Super Tuesday -- or Thursday -- Goldberg said on The View, "I'm hoping Dr. Jill becomes the surgeon general. She's a hell of a doctor. She's an amazing doctor."
Except Dr. Jill isn't. A doctor.
She has a Ph.D, like Dr. Christine Blasey Ford, who is a research psychologist, but whom Democrats insist on calling "Doctor." Unlike HUD Secretary-Neurosurgeon Dr. Ben Carson, whom they insist on calling "Ben Carson."
But potato, potatah. It's the Democrat way.
The past few days we got to see the Democrat Party's hopes and dreams for our country. And while the devil may well be in the details, Democrat speakers didn't offer any.
No platform. No details on what exactly Joe is going to do, after he didn't do them during his 40 years in government.
And that's No Malarkey.
The only thing they were selling was their "compassion," and the fact that they think Joe is "a nice guy."
On the bright side, Joe doesn't seem to be the only Democrat who commits embarassing gaffes.
The Party paraded out every failed politician and Deep Stater they could find to "Virtually Hate" Trump, and misstate the State of Trump's Union.
All with gaffes that made Joe look gaffe-less.
"At a time like this," Bill Clinton intoned, as an expert on the use of the Oval Office, "the Oval Office should be a command center, instead it's a storm center."
"For the eight years of the Obama-Biden administration," former Secretary of State John Kerry boasted, "we eliminated the threat of an Iran with a nuclear weapon...And built a 68-nation coalition to destroy ISIS."
Which Obama called ISIL.
DC Mayor Bowser stood in front of a Black Lives Matter slogan, painted curb to curb, without showing the boarded up store fronts nearby.
"While we were peacefully protesting, Donald Trump was plotting," Bowser accused. "He stood in front of one of our most treasured houses of worship, and held a Bible for a photo op."
She didn't mention that President Trump was taking a stand with his Bible, in front of a church after her "peaceful protesters" tried to burn it to the ground.
And that tear gas was not used. U.S. Park Police Chief Gregory Monahan said so.
In his Convention address, New York Gov. Cuomo carried on the policies of the Democrat Party: "To handle a problem, make believe it doesn't exist."
He pretended that he did a good job of handling the "Chinese virus," which he chose to call the "European virus." And that he did it all by himself.
Heck, he even wrote a quicky book, praising his handling of the Pandemic. It's due out in October.
The press release humbly hailed the book "A remarkable portrait of leadership during crisis, and a gritty story of gut-wrenching choices that point the way to a safer future for us all."
Needless to say, the book doesn't mention New York nursing homes.
Michelle Ma Belle delivered a How-long-ago-did-she-tape-this-message-that-left-out-Kamala-as-VP, that accused Trump of locking illegal immigrant children in the cages.
Which, fact-checking-wise was in 2014. When her husband was president.
She didn't have anything good to say about Trump, and she wasn't much nicer to the old U.S. of A.
But what can you expect from the first black First Lady, who is probably rushed off her feet, vacationing in the Vineyard, in her mansion, except for her to trash the country that made her and her husband millionaires.
She and other presenters did not mention the violence in the streets of Democrat cities, or express opposition to it. And neither did Dr. Jill.
But Jill wasn't criticized for that. She was criticized, but not for what you would think.
As with Joe's stories, there are always different versions. And, this was true with Joe's wife.
An excerpt from a book written by her ex-husband, Bill Stevenson, presented a different story of Joe and Jilll's courtship, than the picture Jill painted.
Stevenson alleges that Jill and Joe had an affair while both of them were still married.
But who knows. All we need to know is that Dr. Jill says Joe will do great things for us.
"I know that if we entrust this nation to Joe," she said, "he will do for your family what he did for ours."
Does that mean he'll get my kid a good-paying job with China? Sweet!
Hold the line, America.
Where We Go One, We Go All
Stay strong, Patriots.
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