"If you think you're too small to have an impact, try going to bed with a mosquito in the room." Dame Anita Reddick, Founder, The Body Shop
September 2, 2020
By: Linda Case Gibbons, Esq.
They are women who have risen to the highest offices in our land.
They have nice houses, lots of money, but that doesn't cut it with them.
We still have to listen to them whine about being victims, because they are "Women of Color," a phrase they use at every opportunity.
And when they speak about being "Women of Color," they do not preach "God Bless America" to lift others up. These privileged women preach "God Damn America."
On her podcast last week, Michelle Obama told a story from her days in the White House.
While on line at an ice cream parlor, without the Secret Service, she said, a woman cut in front of her and her daughters. The woman was white, and Michelle was convinced the action was racist in nature.
"When I'm just a black woman," she said bitterly, "I notice that white people don't even see me."
She called it "an exhausting experience with racism."
That's how she still thinks.
This week Kamala Harris spoke out on the riots ripping the country apart.
"It's not going to end," Harris told Stephen Colbert, gleefully. "They're not going to stop. This is a movement."
"They're not gonna' stop before Election Day in November, and they're not gonna' stop after Election Day. They're not going to let up. And they should not. We should not."
That's how she thinks. And she could be our next president.
Wow. Just...wow.
It is clear they and others like them, have a serious bone to pick with this country.
They despise everything America stands for, but most importantly, they resent being black. And that spills over into everything they do.
Making it in America isn't enough for them. They don't want to "Pay It Forward." They just want to "Pay Back America."
Today it is accepted that white people must be taught not to be racists, while we all know that anyone, of any skin color, can be a racist.
Even Michelle and Kamala.
To be fair, it's tough to figure out what Racism is today.
The dictionary defines it as, "Prejudice, or discrimination, or antagonism directed against a person or people, on the basis of their membership in a particular racial or ethnic group, typically one that is a minority or marginalized.
"And the belief that different races possess distinct characteristics, abilities or qualities, especially so as to distingish them as inferior or superior to one another."
To me, "marginalized" would mean the people whose stores have been torched by Black Lives Matter and Antifa.
Black and white business owners.
Middle class people who will end up with higher taxes to pay for cleaning up the mess.
Cops. Conservatives. And, of course, Donald Trump.
So, are people who make lockdown rules, then violate them, racists? They believe they are superior to others, like you and me.
Are the people who pull down statues of our forefathers racists? They judge historical figures as inferior; themselves as superior.
Black and white historical figures.
Are companies, and, we're told, the FBI, who hold "Critical Race Theory" seminars, centering on re-educating white, male employees about their "whiteness," and "white privilege," racist in nature?
And how about New York City Mayor deBlasio?
He announced that the city's restaurants will remain off limits for indoor dining until a vaccine is available!
Sounds like Racism, of a different kind. Of a privileged mayor, against business owners. Black and white.
"I would crawl across broken glass to beg Giuliani to do it one more time. Be my mayor," David Marcus of The Federalist told Tucker Carlson, lamenting what has happened to the city he loves.
New Yorkers are fleeing the city. Same thing In California. And New Jersey. Homeowners are charged with crimes for defending their homes. And cops are being left defenseless by Democrat mayors.
So you have to ask the question: "Why are we running away?"
Don't let them make you leave. Stay. And ask, "Why are those who are white being called Racists?"
And why are we allowing it?
Hold the line, America.
Where We Go One, We Go All
Stay strong, Patriots.
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