"First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they fight you. And then you win." Mahatma Gandhi
September 9, 2020
By: Linda Case Gibbons
If Trump and Biden were paid by the hour, Lunchbucket Joe wouldn't have enough money to buy jellybeans.
Donald Trump puts in a full work week while running a country and assisting in securing peace in the Middle East.
Joe needs to go to the couch after addressing a near-empty "rally," and answering pre-approved, softball questions from reporters.
But it's more than having energy and a good work ethic. It's about being able to do the job.
Democrats know Joe can't. So does the Liberal media. They just don't report it.
They know the caliber of their candidate and his veep. So who can blame them for not wanting to look at the Man/Woman in the Mirror?
If they looked, they would see an old man, a two-time loser in the race for president, who is in the autumn of his mental years, and a woman who climbed the political ladder on the coattails of San Francisco politician Willie Brown.
Just like Hillary.
If Democrats looked in the mirror, they'd have to admit that they can't win without cheating. And that, in the long run, lies, connections, and the color of your skin -- black or white -- can only get you so far. But it certainly can't earn you respect.
As Old Blue Eyes put it, "Luck is getting the chance to sell youself. After that, you have to have talent."
While you can't get away with coasting forever in most jobs, it seems you can in Washington.
You can be in elected office for nearly 50 years and not accomplish much more than getting money and jobs for your relatives. Like Joe.
You can kill off a lot of old folks with the "European Virus," and blame it all on Trump. Like Gov. Andrew Cuomo.
And you can relive your 2016 defeat by telling Joe Biden not to concede, "under any circumstance." Like Hillary.
Voters know she was threatening them. And they know they are being "set up" for a "Heads I Win, Tails You Lose" election.
This "Set Up" is not like the "Pelosi Hair-Cut Set Up." This one's for real, a continuation of the Deep State's Crossfire Hurricane plot to destroy Trump.
It has become violent, with riots in 48 of 50 of our states, and threats of more to come.
Its profile is one where criminals are favored over citizens by Social Justice prosecutors.
It is characterized by bizarre legal practices such as California Contra Costa County D.A. Diana Becton's. She said looters would not be prosecuted if the suspect "needed" what was stolen.
These are simply a dress rehearsal for what's ahead if Leftist Democrats win, and has all the earmarks of a Coup.
It is a conspiratorial effort suitable for prosecution under RICO.The Act allows leaders of a syndicate to be tried for the crimes they ordered others to do, or assisted them in doing, as part of an ongoing criminal organization.
It has become that serious. Do I hear "Comey," "Strzok," "Clinton?"
Fortunately, during its history, America has been blessed to have people of quality in leadership positions. It is the reeason we have monuments. Statues. To pay tribute to people who have done something historically worthy.
We were blessed with leaders who were not afraid to risk everything to change things, especially tyranny they personally witnessed.
Washington. Lee. Lincoln.
Washington knew what it meant to be denied the right to have freedom of speech, religion, and the right to defend themselves. Lee knew the agony of choosing a side in a battle between brothers in the country he loved. And Lincoln knew the pain suffered by those who were not free.
They believed in American and all she stood for. And defended it.
But today we are faced with a "Movement" which is spearheaded by a group with an innocently sounding name, Black Lives Matter, which is anarchistic, Marxist, anti-Semitic, and anti-capitalist, and is supported by a Fifth Column infiltration of our government.
A Movement supported by Democrats.
Lucky for us we have another candidate.
A man who has been nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize.
Who was nominated for something he actually did.
Hold the line, America.
Where We Go One, We Go All.
Stay strong, Patriots.
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