"Let the jury consider their verdict," the King said for about the twentieth time that day. "No, no!" said the Queen. "Sentence first, verdict afterwards." "Stuff and nonsense," said Alice. "Off with her
head!" the Queen shouted at the top of her voice."
September 16, 2020
By: Linda Case Gibbons, Esq.
When American journalist James Foley was beheaded by ISIS in 2012, we were horrified. But after that, after many other atrocities, beheadings weren't as shocking.
Leftist propaganda and "grooming" makes horrific events seem okay.
Such as child sexual abuse. Killing cops. FBI agents plotting with their Democrat candidate to ruin and displace a duly elected president.
You'd better watch out, and you'd better vote right, because as the Left tries to change America into a Socialist country, the Unthinkable is becoming Reality.
Last week Democrat California Gov. Newcome signed a bill that would allow adults who commit sodomy with minors to be given judicial discretion as to whether they should be placed on California's sex offender registry.
Saturday two young L.A. County Sheriff's Department deputies were both shot in the head while sitting in their patrol car.
Black Lives Matter protesters laughed when the female officer fell out of her car, her throat bleeding, attempting to save her partner.
No one helped her.
Later protesters blocked the entrance to the hospital to which the victims were taken, and shouted, "I hope they f***ing die!"
"And when you die, and your blood spills on the street, we're going to celebrte," Africa Town Coalition "Community Leader" Kevin Wharton Price added.
Price is a drugged-up looking, ex-convict, Black Lives Matter supporter.
But that didn't dissuade L.A. Mayor Garcetti from meeting with him several times to discuss creation of a "cultural competency workshops" for business owners in L.Å. Really.
It's where the Left has taken the country. Little by little.
Once upon a time some things were unthinkable, but the rules changed when Donald Trump won the presidency, and now is running for a second term.
Now we're facing a No Holds Barred Election.
"Fool us once..." Democrats cry, as the poor losers they are, believing they were cheated out of eight more years of Hillary/Obama, and the march toward Socialism.
The Democrat Play Book could be one used in Third World Countries, for the overthrow of governments.
Little by little, violent mobs have been allowed to pillage U.S. cities, with no objection from Democrats, most especially Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.
Instead, Harris of the "Harris-Biden Administration," glibly told officer-involved-black-shooting victim Jacob Blake, she "was proud of him," praised his "incredible family," and condemned the police officer, out of hand, on her visit to Kenosha, Michigan.
The "Incredible Blake Family Patriarch" Blake, Sr., is anti-Jew, anti-White, pro-Nation of Islam's Louis Farrakhan.
His son has a history of domestic violence and sexual assault.
As Tucker Carlson put it, Blake Sr. was "a very strange person to meet with if you are trying to make the point that racism is bad."
Little by little the Left has done all it can to rig the coming election.
Mail-in-Voting has been instituted in Democrat-run states despite solid evidence that the method invites flagrant fraud.
The Biden Campaign has hired 600 lawyers, ostensibly to "keep Trump from trying to steal this election," but in reality to muck up the works if Trump wins legitimately.
It is what's called a "Color Revolution." Like ones seen in Russia and elsewhere.
This refers to a technique for promoting regime change in targeted countries, orchestrated by a coalition of government agencies, such as the State Department, CIA or M16, and private funders, such as a George Soros.
Violence plays a big part. Fear packs a wallop.
Once upon a time, these things were unthinkable.
If this is confusing. And frightening. If you in need of guidance in these troubled times, you can always rely on The Atlantic.
Sure, the magazine made a mistake accusing President Trump of having said some nasty things about our military, but the following week, to the mainstream media's dismay, they admitted they were wrong.
Despite that, they still are offering some interesting, if biased, advice.
In an Op-Ed, left-leaning, Brookings Institute "Think Tanker" Shadi Hamid urged "law and order" Republicans to give up and vote for Joe.
Why? Because Democrats will riot if he loses, he says, refusing to accept the results if President Trump wins re-election.
"A loss for Biden, after having been the clear favorite all summer, would provide mass disillusion with electoral politics as a means of change -- at a time when disillusion is already dangerously high."
Shadi should know about "disillusionment." He didn't mention Lunchbucket Joe's onset dementia.
Not even once.
Hold the line, America.
Where We Go One, We Go All
Stay strong Patriots
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