"Any idiot can point out a problem. A leader is willing to do something about it." Tony Robbins
October 7, 2020
By: Linda Case Gibbons, Esq.
China gives a pretty good paycheck. Ask Disney, LeBron James and the NFL.
Or Joe Biden's son.
But when you make a deal with the Devil, there comes a Day of Reckoning. It did for wealthy Cubans who believed Fidel's promises of Hope and Change. He couldn't get rid of them fast enough.
Communists are Communists. One day you're their "darlings," and the next you're standing in front of a firing squad.
But the Elites in our country don't believe anything bad can come from hobnobbing with the Communist Chinese government.
The media and elected officials cannot believe Socialism could be a precursor to Communism.
They won't believe it until Chinese tanks are rolling down Rodeo Drive and Pennsylvana Avenue.
China's Communist President Xi Jinping has pulled off a coup that rivals our FBI's, and he did it with the help of American friends in high and low places.
He created a virulent virus in a lab in Wuhan, and deliberately released it to the world, killing millions and collapsing economies worldwide.
In January, after the outbreak of the coronavirus, the World Health Organization praised China, and the American media praised the WHO, for praising China.
"It's actions actually helped prevent the spread of coronavirus to other countries," WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said.
Ghebreyesus is a buddy of Xi's, and Dr. Fauci. And he's the guy who covered up three Cholera epidemics in his home country, Ethiopia, when he was health minister there.
That was before he was chosen as director of the WHO.
For almost a year, China should have been the Bad Guy to all Americans, but he wasn't. Not according to the media and the rest of America's snob class, which includes brain-weary Lunchbucket Joe.
Instead blame was placed on President Trump.
What the media and elected officials have ignored, or refused to cover, has created the "New Normal," the one Barack Obama promised would happen, which he hoped would result in a weaker, less "exceptional" United States.
The New Normal is one in which St. Louis homeowners, Patricia and Mark McCloskey could be indicted by a grand jury for defending their lives from an armed, violent mob.
A mob which threatened to kill them, whose members stood, pointing out windows in the house where they would live, and shower, after they took the McCloskey property.
St. Louis Prosecutor Kimberly Gardner called the mobs' actions "peaceful," and let the protesters go.
"We must protect the right to peacefully protest," she warned. "And any attempt to chill it through intimidation, or threat of deadly force will not be tolerated."
At least not from homeowners.
Michelle Obama said the same thng this week. In her "Opening Statement" supporting Joe, she said the bloody riots occurring across the country were "peaceful," and said the looting and deaths were the fault of Trump and his allies.
"They're stoking fears about black and brown Americans," she said, frowning meaningfully. "Lying about how minorities will destroy the suburbs and whip up violence..."
"And they're pinning it all on what's been an overwhelmingly peaceful movement for racial solidarity."
"It's true," she insisted. "Research backs it up. Only a tiny fraction of demonstrations have had any violence at all."
Of course it's not true. And the research doesn't back it up.
Democrats always say they're "all about the science," and the truth. Except when they're not. Just like they want to enforce wearing masks. When they don't.
Dr. Li-Meng Yan, a virologist in China, is all about the science and the truth.
But when she published a paper which stated the coronavirus was manmade, in a laboratory, in China, and that the Chinese government covered up information about it, she had to flee for her life from her home in Hong Kong.
"From January to now I have been trying to fight lies, and bring out the truth," Dr. Yan said. "But the Chinese Communist Party and the others, including the World Health Organization, scientific world and the media are trying their best to suppress me."
This week Dr. Yan's mother was thrown in jail in China, just because, but the media contines to ignore Dr. Yan's story, even as the Chinese government says her research paper is "unscientific," and "without evidence."
It's the Old Normal for Communist China, but if we play our cards wrong, it could become the New Normal for us.
Hold the line, America.
Where We Go, We Go All
Stay strong, Patriots.
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