"No matter what historians claim, BC really stood for 'Before Coffee.'"
Cherise Sinclair, Writer
June 24, 2020
By: Linda Case Gibbons, Esq.
The worst thing you can do is give a guy a break.
We did that with the "First Black President," and turns out, voters would have been better off electing Snoop Dogg.
As president, Obama did little better than a black rapper who chooses to make videos featuring twerking females.
Neither Snoop nor Barack have used their celebrity to do anything, for anyone, least of all black Americans.
People, black and white alike, voted for Obama, because we are not a racist coutry. Although that's not how he sees it.
There were some who knew he was chosen, not for the content of his character, but for the color his skin. And some who knew he was a harbinger of Socialism.
You only had to look at the company he kept:
The Rev. Jeremiah "God Damn America" Wright.
His Communist, childhood mentor, Frank Marshall Davis.
George Soros.
Bill "Weather Underground" Ayers.
And those he chose to be part of his team.
Obama and wingman Attorney General Eric Holder were pretty bitter guys to be put in charge of a country. Neither of then wants to be black. Neither likes America. And it shows.
During his eight years, the only time Obama and Holder "connected" wth the black community was before an election.
And during his administration, racism deepened.
Obama and the media insist there was "not a scintilla" of scandal during his time in office. But there was more than enough to go around. His administration was a hot mess.
Attorney General Holder ran guns into Mexico, then stonewalled Congress when asked to turn over documents regarding the scandal, Fast and Furious.
Obama's IRS persecuted conservative groups applying for tax exempt status, scrutinizing and delaying their applications.
Later the IRS had to apologize. But the administration never did. And never apologized for Deep State spying and conspiring against Donald Trump. And for lying about Benghazi.
From Cash for Clunkers, granting government loans to green companies like Solyndra, (companies never intended to succeed,) to Obamacare, (which also wasn't intended to succeed, but was designed to establish single payer healthcare,) Obama's administration can't hold a candle to Trump's.
Americans gave Hope and Change a chance, and all we got for our money was a country that was more racist and lawless.
Blood in the streets of our cities was what Obama expected. And planned for. And it's what we are seeing on our TV screens every night.
In 2014 Holder visited Ferguson, Missouri. Black victim, white cop.This set the stage for the movement to abolish police today.
"It is not difficult to imagine how a single tragic incident set off the city of Ferguson, defined by mistrust and resentment, and stoked by years of bad feelings and spurred by illegal and misguided practices," Holder said at the time.
Obama and Democrats have praised their foot soldiers, Antifa and Black Lives Mateer in the past. This week Obama praised them again.
"The good news, what makes me optimistic, is the fact that there is a Great Awakening going on around the country," Obama said.
"Particularly among younger people who are saying, not only they are fed up with the shambolic disorganized, mean-spirited approach to governance that we've seen over the last couple of years. And that they are eager to take on some of the core challenges that have been facing this country for centuries."
It was a retread of his 2008 Cairo Speech, disrespecting America, its people, and its heritage.
In the past weeks, old, priceless works of art have been vandalized. Statues of Andrew Jackson and Teddy Roosevelt were among them.
History does not matter to the idiot-vandals that Andrew Jackson saved New Orleans during the War of 1812, and that Teddy served as governor of New York, president, saved the environment, and charged up San Juan Hill. The Yale and Harvard elites have directed the Visigoths to destroy everything in its path.
BLM activist Shaun King recently called for the destruction of any depictions of Jesus as a white European. That will include churches with stained glass windows.
But even if every statue is desecrated. Even if our history is made to slip through our fingers, don't despair.
Like Obama says, just call it "A Great Awakening."
Hold the line, America.
Where We Go One, We Go All
Stay strong, Patriots.
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