"I'm always disappointed when a liar's pants don't actually catch on fire." Sylvester the Cat
July 8, 2020
By: Linda Case Gibbons, Esq.
Everything you needed to know, you should have learned in kindergarten.
Share everything. Play fair. Don't hit people. Clean up your own mess. Don't take things that aren't yours. And say sorry when you hurt someone.
But nowadays people don't do what they used to. Things have changed.
Church is gone. School is gone. Libraries are closed.
And now the newest idea is to have a Virtual Kindergarten.
It's hard to believe.
The ignorant violence we're seeing everywhere is hard to swallow.
Creeping Socialism works that way.
A knowledge of history would have helped Black Lives Matter rioters in deciding who should stay and who should go, statue-wise.
But maybe they did know.
Confederate statues, portraits of former Speakers of the House, ironically, were all Democrats.
So "The Erase America's History Movement" may be more about erasing the Democrat Party's past.
Speaker of the House Pelosi summarily removed portraits of former Speakers, Robert Hunter of Virginia, Howard Cobb of Georgia, James Orr of South Carolina, and Charles Crisp of Georgia.
All Democrats.
Some statues were slave owners. Some were not. The mob didn't care. It wasn't in their sign-up-to-riot contracts.
Statues can be destoyed, portraits removed, but it's harder to ignore the Party's history of opposing Civil Rights and supporting slavery.
And that's the whole point.
Erase everything and there's nothing left to remember. Then push for Socialism/Communism which, on its face can seem like a swell deal.
That is, if you don't remember what happened in Venezuela. Or Hong Kong.
Not remembering by never mentioning can be a pretty handy tool. That's why the media uses it all the time.
Last month, Chief Justice Roberts fell and hit his head. He was hospitalized, required stitches and stayed overnight for observation.
It didn't make the news, and Roberts never said a word about it.
It's probably no big deal.
Although, come to think of it, the Supremes did make some annoying decisions.
In June.
Cases in which Roberts sided with Liberals on the court:
Ruling against a Louisiana law regulating abortion clinics;
Striking down a Trump administration plan to end DACA.
But, it probably doesn't mean anything.
Just like the Dakota Pipeline being shut down this week.
The decision was handed down by U.S. District Judge James Boasberg. A judge appointed by Barack Obama in 2011, and appointed to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court in 2014.
This is the infamous FISA Court, which Reuters described as one of two "secret courts that authorize U.S. spying operations," and which did a number on Gen. Flynn and helped launch the Russian Collusion debacle.
Chief Justice didn't comment on the appointment, although he, as chief justice, has exclusive power to determine the makeup of the two courts.
Of course, people could study history. That might make things better.
"History" tells us kids should go to school to learn, not to get lunch.
That church is as important to folks as Walmart is.
And that most Americans worth their salt love their country.
But instead of cracking the old history books, you can just watch some reality shows. Like 90 Day Fiance.
Sounds silly, but it's not. It's a great sociological study of people.
In each case, the fiance comes from some God-forsaken country, like Nigeria, South Korea, Ethiopia, among others.
In each country, the level of squalor and poverty is shocking. No running water. Piles of garbage in the streets.
In each, the people seeking to come here know that unparalleled opportunity abounds in this country. They say so.
And they dearly know it is a privilege to live in such a country.
They know what they don't have, and what America can make possible.
What they see isn't the "Systematic Racism" Rep. Ilhan Omar sees.
Even though she was welcomed here from war-torn Somalia, was college-educated here and elected to our Congress, she has never had a kind word to say.
At the very least, she should have learned to say "Thank You." In kindergarten.
Hold the line, America.
Where We Go One, We Go All
Stay strong, Patriots
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