"We do have an ideologic frame. We are trained Marxists." Patrisse Cullors, Founder, Black Lives Matter
July 15, 2020
By: Linda Case Gibbons, Esq.
If the Democrat Party was a guy, you wouldn't want to date him.
Not the way he's been acting.
Little by little, the brain-tired Joe Biden is expanding his "platform" to include each and every one of Barack's plans to "fundamentally transform the United States of America."
Getting rid of the suburbs is on that list.
If you scrimped and saved to get a little house in the burbs, and believe you actually owned the property you bought, Vote for Joe, and that belief will be blown out of the water, along with the idea that you can send your kid to the school of your choice.
Democrats, under the Non-Leadership of Joe Biden, will put an end to a lot of things you're fond of, such as private property, individual rights and civil liberties.
This whole mess began with the America-hating United Nations's Agenda 21, as an "environmental" movement.
It was based on a 1987 idea conceived by Gro Harlem Brundtland. She was former director-general of the World Health Organization, and vice president of the World Socialist Party.
It was supported by Maurice Strong, called the inventor of Climate Change, a lifelong Socialist, resident of Communist China, and secretary general of the U.N.'s 1992 Earth Summit.
"Current lifestyles and consumption patterns of the affluent middle class -- involving high meat intake, use of fossil fuels, appliances, home and work air conditioning and suburban housing -- are not sustainable," Strong said.
George H.W. Bush signed off on Agenda 21 with 187 other world leaders at the 1992 Earth Summit.
Bill Clinton signed Executive Order 12852 establishing the Council on Sustainable Development.
And Obama signed Executive Order 13575 establishing the White House Rural Council.
And now we're stuck with it.
The idea isn't new. It's just been paraded out wearing a new name, like Green New Deal, but we've seen it before. In China. In North Korea. In Venezuela. It's called Communism.
How does it work?
Obama told us some of it. Electric prices that "will skyrocket" when carbon emissions were regulated, and fossil fuels were eliminated.
It was the only thing he didn't lie about.
During his tenure in office, he actively opposed fracking and blocked the Keystone XL Pipeline, making the U.S. energy dependent.
He claimed, for environmental reasons.
He shut down offshore drilling after the 2010 ooil spill in the Gulf, and bankrupted the ecoomy in that area.
He claimed, for environmental reasons.
It's always characterized as "environmental." But even Rep. Ocasio-Cortez' chief of staff, Saikat Chakrabarti, admitted the Green New Deal was never about the environment, but was always intended to overhaul "the entire economy."
It was a long time coming, but now everything's in place.
The plan is a mirror image of Communism. Controlling industry, transportation, food production, water and the growth, size and location of the population. Redistributiing wealth. Seizing private property.
The plan is to move citizens into cities, or to move "low income people" to the suburbs to balance out "White Privilege."
If you insist on living in your home, on land you own, zoning laws and local goveernment authorities will make it tough.
The middle class is the target, and Democrats are having great aim.
The Pandemic helped. Seeing how easily the American people fell in line, like sheep, probably was as much a surprise to Democrats as it was to the rest of us.
And the bullying and violence of Black Lives Matter was icing on the cake. It all added up to be the Perfect Storm to Fundamentally Change America.
Obama and Bill Clinton helped. They each gave money to our enemies, who then used our bucks to fund terrorism and increase their nuclear strength.
Clinton dished out more tham $1 billion dollars to North Korea; Obama $150 billion dollars to Iran via the Iran Nuclear Deal, then sent over another $1.5 billion.
And Nancy Pelosi pushed Agenda 21 by sponsoring H.Con.Res 353 in 1992.
At least Burger King is on the Right side of the Left side.
This week the burger-flipping fast-foodery announced it would include lemongrass in their cow's food. To help release less methane.
It's called the "Reduced Methane Emissions Beef Whopper," but to us it's just more Democrat bull-s***."
Hold the line, America.
Where We Go One, We Go All
Stay strong, Patriots.
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