"Us people will go on livin' when all them people is gone. We're the people that live. They ain't gonna' wipe us out. Why, we're the people. We go on." Mother Joad, The Grapes of Wrath
July 22, 2020
By: Linda Case Gibbons, Esq.
Some people have bad habits, but never bother to change.
When America was founded, slavery existed around the world. But America did something about it.
China never did. And neither did the rest of the world.
But that doesn't matter to the Marxist Black Lives Matter, or The New York Times.
Their mission is to attack America as a terrible, racist place, conceived in slavery, and dedicated to the proposition that all people can gripe about how flawed this country is, while watching their color TVs. In air conditioning.
And while doing business with China.
"If what happened in China stayed in China, that would be bad enough," Attorney General William Barr told the audience at the Gerald R. Ford Museum in Grand Rapids last week.
"But instead of America changing China, China is leveraging its economic power to change America."
There are big bucks to be made by pandering to Communist China. Ask the NBA. And Apple. Or the elitists in Hollywood and the Marxist-leaning professors in the Ivory Towers of Academia.
You can clean up in China with a mega-fan base, especially if you are able to ignore the human rights abuses reported as taking place in China, including present-day Muslim Uyghur slavery.
We are experiencing a Creative Destruction of America, deliberately designed to end in Socialism and economic ruin.
Because of the Chinese-created Virus, Americans have had civil liberties snatched from them, and have witnessed what is the deliberate creation of a "New Great Depression," complete with shuttered store fronts and hungry, unemployed people.
Unable to destroy the country and Donald Trump in any other way, anti-American groups have embraced Communist China's tactics.
Democrat mayors, goverors, prosecutors and members of Congress have partnered with these groups, allowing major American cities and the Rules of Law to be destroyed.
Since Democrats cannot win on the merits, nor defeat the president in the upcoming election without cheating, violence is their best bet.
Social Justice advocates have created a system where felons pass through the courts' revolving doors, arrested one night and out the next.
Pandemic rules have forced citizens to stay at home, going broke, for the "good of the people."
Selected businesses are opened, then closed. Interstate travel is monitored, solely on the whim of Democrat governors and mayors.
And Teachers Unions, who are supposed to advocate for education for children, are lobbying for kids to stay out of school.
No thinking person denies slavery existed here.
Heck, Sen. Kamal Harris' dad disclosed that Harris ancestors had slaves in Jamaica.
And Michael Goodwin wrote a Op Ed revealing that the owners of The New York Times were themselves slaveowners.
That's all in the past. But for Democrats it's not. They have to blame America for slavery, today, in order to get what they want.
The New York Times published the 1619 Project by Nikole Hannah-Jones.
The articles, Goodwin says "insist that slavery was the key to the nation's founding, and the war for independence was primarily about perpetuating white supremacy."
This hypocritical approach is one that is embraced by the Marxist Black Lives Matter, while ignoring the black people killed daily in Chicago. And while Liongate and Oprah Winfrey do their best to insult this country by prepping the 1619 Project for film and TV.
The Project marks the 400th anniversary of slaves coming to the America colonies. Its theme is to "connect the centrality of slavery in history with an unflinching account of the brutal racism that endures in so many aspects of American life today."
This, once again demonstrates Winfrey's lack of balanced gratitude for what America has done for her. And for Barack Obama. And Eric Holder.
In the "old days" back in 2017, Bernie supporter James Hodgkinson nearly killed Rep. Steve Scalise, and Rand Paul's Liberal neighbor nearly killed Rand Paul.
Now Leftists are killing everyone.
All in the name of Freedom of Speech.
Goes to show you. The U.S. Constitution can be very handy when Anarchists need it.
Hold the line, America.
Where We Go One, We Go All
Stay strong, Patriots
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