"Talent hits a target no one else can hit. Genius hits a target no one else can see." Arthur Schopenhauer, German Philosopher
August 5, 2020
By: Linda Case Gibbons, Esq.
It's no shame to be a One Hit Wonder. Kung Fu Fighting and Ice, Ice Baby were swell songs.
But in investigative journalist Carl Bernstein's case, he should rest on his Watergate laurels and zip his CNN-contributor lip.
Unlike Trump, the Bernster has no second act.
This Never Trumper wants to relive his Watergate Glory of taking down Richard Nixon, again and again. And do it again with Trump.
As with Joe Biden, it's hard to watch.
"I think we have to recognize that we have a national emergency unlike anything in our history," Bernstein told CNN's Chris Cuomo yesterday, ignoring Pearl Harbor and the Civil War.
"...We have a president of the United States who is demonstrably unfit, incompetent, not honest and not capable of dealing with this horrible situation," he said, referring to the Chinese Virus.
"We need a political and cultural protector in this country between now and Election Day from the president of the United States, and his recklessness. People are dead because of his recklessness," he said, ignoring the Constitutional implications of what he is suggesting.
Bernstein didn't tell Fredo Cuomo that Robert Kennedy, Jr. claims Dr. Fauci holds the patent on a Coronavirus vaccine during his interview.
And that Dr. Fauci, and his agency, the National Institution for Allergic and Infectious Diseases stand to collect 50 percent of the royalties from the vaccine.
That's about $500 million dollars.
It may or may not be true.
Still it looks like the kind of scoop Bernstein would have jumped on in his Watergate heyday. Especially since the Pandemic figures heavily in his claim that Trump has handled the virus so ineptly.
And especially since Fauci is keeping the virus on life support as a threat for the unforeseeable future.
For some reason.
I know. It's another of the Left's ploys. But what these types don't realize is something Rush Limbaugh does realize.
"If you think that Trump voters are going to abandon him...I'm telling you they would crawl over flaming coals to vote for the guy," Rush said yesterday.
"You're not going to intimidate them into not showing up. I don't care what schemes you devise to limit the vote, you're not going to stop a Trump voter from casting his ballot.
"Ain't gonna' happen."
But they keep trying.
His family, the Democratic National Committee and Obama deliberately ignore Biden's persistent signs of dementia. Lying to the American people.
They keep him in the cellar. They insist he's okay. And they blame Trump.
"Whatever you do, don't debate Trump," former Clinton White House Press Secretary Joe Lockhart urged in a CNN op-ed.
It would be a "fool's errand to enter the ring with someone who can't follow the rules or the truth," he said, pedaling hard to dodge Biden's Dementia Bullet.
And journalist Elizabeth Drew, in a New York Times op ed called for the elimination of presidential debates altogether.
Hillary never got it, and Liberal Democrats don't, either.
These politicians have to hold up a finger to see which way the current political wind is blowing to know what they believe.
Trump supporters support him because he believes in this country, a character trait other presidential hopefuls don't have.
Like Hillary. Kamala Harris. Booker.
And Joe Biden.
Joe is relying on the same techniques he's always used.
This week his campaign announced he would make his pick for vice president very soon, adding that Joe recently stated, "I'm so close, I can smell her."
It's hard to hear.
But harder still is what's ahead if Joe is elected.
The Wall Street Journal reports that violent crimes are up in cities advocating for Defunding the Police, but other crimes are down.
They're down because they're not reported.
In Minneapolis, Democrat Mayor Jacob Frey's city, citizens are being advised by police to surrender to crime.
"Be prepared to give up your cell phone and purse/wallet" if approached by criminals, it stated in a Robbery/Car Jacking Prevention circular.
"Do not argue or fight with the criminal. Do as they say."
If Joe Biden is elected, the country will become a Gangsta's Paradise.
It was a great Coolio rap song, but it's a lousy way to run a country.
Hold the line, America.
Where We Go One, We Go All
Stay strong, Patriots.
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