April 1, 2020
By: Linda Case Gibbons, Esq.
Pay your taxes. Keep your nose clean.
But still, your good deeds will not go unpunished.
In Maryland, people following Coronavirus guidelines will be charged with a misdemeanor if they dare go outside for other than essentials.
In D.C., feckless Mayor Bowser announced that those who don't stay home could be fined up to $5,000 dollars, and imprisoned for 90 days.
This is while hundreds of college kids were allowed to frolic on Clearwater Beach, yet Pastor Rodney Howard-Browne was arrested for holding church services in his Tampa church. While shoplifters in San Francisco can ransack store shelves, and the police will do nothing. Because of Social Justice prosecutors.
"Get pulled over and have an illegal handgun or AR-15? No problem. (District Attorney) Boudin will throw out your case," San Francisco Police Association Montoya said.
"Have 10 pounds of meth, all in small plastic bags ready for sale? No problem. Boudin will throw out your case, too."
Tough times make tough people, and Americans are plenty tough.
But Democrat leaders and their media flunkies are enjoying the opportunity the Pandemic is handing them a little too much.
Speaker Pelosi used her position, and is hinting she would launch an investigation into the president's handling of the Pandemic.
Stating that he, not they, was distracted by his impeachment.
So while Congress fiddles, the Trump administration has had to intercede to defend Americans, last week, through the Department of Homeland Security, designating shops, ammunition dealers, shooting ranges and manufacturers as "essential," and should not be shut down.
Governors like New Jersey Gov. Murphy had shut down gun sales, and though he reversed this, there is still an application process in place which makes it impossible for "furloughed" citizens to get a gun.
All while violent criminals are being "furloughed" from jail. Even from Rikers.
Ostensibly to fight the virus.
In Upstate New York, eight registered sex offenders were released, three of whom were convicted of child rape. The guys were put up in a Greece, New York Holiday Express Inn.
Greece Chief of Police Patrick Phelan wasn't thrilled, mostly because no one told him about it.
And in Seattle, Felonious Francisco Calderon is back on the streets. He's the fella' who has been convicted more than 70 times.
A couple of days ago he tried to stab two men with a syringe, was arrested, then released 14 hours later.
It's the way things are.
Yet, we are told, as our jobs go away, and the Stock Market continues to plummet, "Have faith."
In those in charge.
As we were told to trust in the FISA Court.
The FBI.
The Department of Justice.
The Experts.
Americans do have faith in President Trump, but expert Doctors Fauci and Birx have become irksome.
Maybe it's the gleam in their eyes as they tell us how many of us are going to die.
And "expert" New York Mayor deBlasio.
On March 2 he tweeted, "I'm encouraging New Yorkers to go on with your lives, and get out on the town despite Coronavirus."
Now he holds daily, terrifying press conferences, threatening to shut down everything. Because of that same virus.
And expert British modeler Neil Ferguson. His scientific paper projected 510,000 deaths in Britain, and 2.2 million in the U.S.
Then corrected it to 20,000.
Or so.
But not before it influenced Doomsday planning in both countries.
During the Pandemic, Congressmen fled their jobs in D.C., while cops, doctors, supermarket clerks and others reported for work, leaving the impression that some lives are more valuable than others.
And all because Nancy's people wanted to vote on a $2 trillion dollar Relief Bill remotely.
Of course, it was in violation of Article 1, Section 5, Clause 1 of the Constitution, a document that is being referenced less and less.
Except for one Congressman.
Thomas Massie from Kentucky remembered we have a Constitution. And probably recalled Ben Franklin's admonition, "Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."
Massie said he wanted a recorded vote, "Because now Pelosi doesn't have a precedent where everybody stays home and she gets to pass bills in the House."
"I know there are people saying 'Oh, you got to vote for it. You can't slow this down,'" he said.
"Meanwhile they spent a week in the Senate arguing how much money should go to the Kennedy Center."
He's right. There were many who are skeptical of the size of this relief bill. Nervous. Upset.
With the haste to pass it.
With "modeling."
And with relying on the "experts," who are carbon copies of the Obama experts who passed Obamacare.
But even though he respected the spirit of our law, Massie was roundly criticized nonetheless. And you know why.
It's because a good deed never goes unpunished.
And it's why Pelosi is planning to impeach our president one more time.
Hold the line, America.
Where We Go One, We Go All.
Stay strong, Patriots.