"I really hope that this will mean the Chinese government says, 'OK, guys. We have really got to get super hygienic around here.' Let's face it. It is a little bit medieval eating bats." Paul McCartney,
Re: China's Wet Markets
April 15, 2020
By: Linda Case Gibbons, Esq.
Actually, we're not "All in this together."
Most of us are at home, saying we're suffering. But all we're really doing is waiting.
For our food to be delivered. After which we'll sanitize the delivery boxes.
So we don't get sick.
Scouring the web so we can order things. To have enough.
Of everything.
Anxiously checking the Dow Jones. Upset we can't get a haircut.
And waiting to be told what civil liberty we're going to lose next.
No, "we're" not in this together.
There are people out there, in rubber gloves and masks. Low-paid, but working in industries that have been dubbed "essential," so they have to go to work.
And, there are the rest of us, like them, in that we forgot to squirrel away six-months of rainy day money.
In Marxist countries we'd be called The Proletariat. The working class. The common people.
We are the people Socialist/Democats want to scare to death in order to replace Capitalism with Socialism in our country.
Power grabbing governors are doing just that, using tyrannical King George III tactics.
Like Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer who decided to make the purchase of vegetable seeds illegal.
Just because she could.
Or Klansman-Black-Face Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam who just passed laws abolishing voter I.D., and allowing early voting 45 days prior to an election, without a stated cause.
And his whole thing with guns.
And the Left Overs. Bought-off Senators Sanders, Warren, Booker, Harris, and Klobuchar. And Mayor Buttigieg, Speaker Pelosi and Candidate Biden, all who are now pushing for mail-in ballots because they know they don't have a Snowball's Chance in Hell of winning the presidency if Americans are allowed to go to the polls.
If Americans do not fight back, there are those who will change America forever, using the Pandemic as their excuse.
"We see this (Coronavirus) as an opportunity to reshape the way we do business and how to govern," California Gov. Gavin Newsom said with a twinkle in his eye, during a virtual press conference.
And New York Rep. Ocasio-Cortez wants reparations for black/brown communities, because, she claims, the virus is "racist."
Luckily while Americans are dying, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi is snug as a bug in a rug at home with her grandchildren in California. And has time to do an interview with Late Late Show's James Cordon.
A plucky Pelosi long-distance commented on how the president isn't handing things...in Washington...while she and the House of Representatives are at home.
"We insist on the truth, and what the President is saying is not true," Pelosi told Cordon from her kitchen.
"And people standing around him acquiescing to it. What? Doesn't anybody know or care or have any commitment to science and evidence and data and fact and truith? This is where we are now."
Maybe the Speaker was talking about the World Health Organization and that organization's duplicity.
Or China's lack of transparency, and its Games With Bats, which have caused loss of American lives.
But with the House of Representatives Missing in Action, perhaps the Speaker isn't up to speed on those issues.
Today it isn't acceptable to put politics over country, or think it is enough to gush out thanks to "essential" people. Or hold virtual concerts to cheer them up.
Not unless we are also willing to trade places with them.
What Americans need to do is be publicly grateful, and realize what a terrific country the United States is. And that we may not have the same country anymore if we don't wake up and smell the Socialists.
So, while you wile away the hours at home, maybe it's time to re-read the Declaration of Independence. Especially the part about government. And our role as We the People.
Not the government of Donald Trump, but the government Liberals are planning for us, by removing our rights, one at a time.
"...Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed.
"That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form as to them shall seem likely to effect their Safety and Happiness."
Read the whole thing. And while you're at it, read the Bill of Rights.
Especially the First Amendment. The part that mentions the right to assemble. And practice your religion.
Those are the rights we have been told we have to give up. So far.
To "save lives."
Hold the line, America.
Where We Go One, We Go All
Stay strong, Patriots.