"We cannot expect Americans to jump from Capitalism to Communism.
But we can assist their elected leaders in giving Americans small
doses of socialism, until they suddenly awake to find they have
Communism." Nikita Khrushchev
April 29, 2020
By: Linda Case Gibbons, Esq.
The Grand Canyon is closed, and the Girl Scouts are getting a bailout because they haven't been able to get out and sell their cookies.
America has changed a lot in the past three months.
There isn't anyone who wouldn't sell their souls to the Devil for a large container of Clorox wipes.
And the fear? It's so thick, you can taste it.
That doesn't sound like the America we know.
Thanks to China-owned American leaders, we have become China.
It's something John Lennon would love. And Pelosi. And all the China-leaning elitists, like Mike Bloomberg and Bill Gates.
All of them are "imagining," "That there's no countries. And no religion, too. Nothing to kill or die for."*
Because they know what they "imagine" for us, will not change anything for them.
As for the rest of us, irrevocably bad things are happening.
Recently California Doctors Dan Erickson and Artin Massihi analyzed government statistics, and concluded that the "Cower in Place Doctrine," and shutting down our economy may not have been necessary because of the low death rate.
They also questioned why healthy people were being quarantined.
Of course, YouTube shut them down.
Their research was swiftly dismissed as "reckless and untested musings" by the American College of Emergency Physicians and the American Academy of Emergency Medicine.
And the doctors themselves were accused of releasing "biased, non-peer reviewed data to advance their personal financial interests without regard for the public's health."
Is that similar to the non-peer, China-centric data relied upon by the World Health Organzation? Or Dr. Fauci's negative "musings?"
Today you are not allowed to contradict the World Health Organization. The Center for Disease Control. Or Dr. Fauci.
Even though all have been consistently wrong about the "science." And all of whom are in favor of keeping the country locked down.
For a dangerously long time.
Yes, bad things are happening to our unalienable rights. And to things that we take for granted. Like visiting your mom.
Hospitals have whole floors closed down, prohibited from treating "elective" procedures which pay the bills, and ordered to keep beds available for an "overwhelming" flood of Coronavirus patients.
That never came.
The oil industry has been decimated, to AOC's delight. Thanks to the shutdown, no one's driving, No one's flying.
And American entrepreneurship is teetering on the edge of collapse.
But Americans are starting to notice:
That citizens in Elizabeth, New Jersey are being spied upon by drones manufactured in China;
That mothers are being arrested for taking their kids to the park;
And Forced-to-Work-at-Home video conferencing meetings conducted on Zoom, were compromised when conversations were "mistakenly" routed through China.
If you've had enough, join the crowd. But if you're planning a protest, don't bother to post information about it on Facebook. Facebook founder, Mark Zuckerberg told George Stepanopoulos, such a post is classified as "harmful misinformation, and we take it down."
Somehow, rightly or wrongly, the United States was conned into closing down our economy.
Because of a virus.
The Spanish Flu of 1918, called "The Deadliest in History," killed 500 million victims worldwide, including 650,000 Americans. And over the past three decades there have been up to 40,000 flu-related deaths annually.
And the nation wasn't shut down.
In 1884, Teddy Roosevelt's mother died from typhoid fever in the family home in Manhattan. Roosevelt was heartbroken, but returned to work in the New York legislature.
In 1912, Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt contracted typhoid fever. It was while FDR was running for re-election to the New York senate.
They stayed in their Manhattan home, recovered, FDR won the election, and returned to work.
New York wasn't closed down in either case.
So why now? Why with 61,000 Coronavirus U.S. deaths?
Could it be that we've all been taken for suckers?
And now we find ourselves Communistically-grateful to find paper towels in our market, and obediently wearing face masks when we're told to.
It's sickening. More so because it's getting harder and harder to tell the good guys from the bad.
Hold the line, America.
Where We Go One, We Go All
Stay strong, Patriots
*Imagine, John Lennon
Check out Lest We Forget