"Maybe we're in the same storm together, but we're definitely not in the same boat." Juan Desmarais, California Barbershop Owner
May 6, 2020
By: Linda Case Gibbons, Esq.
While you were at home, wondering if there was enough peanut butter at the bottom of the jar to make a sandwich, J.Lo and A-Rod were jockeying to buy the New York Mets.
Different strokes for different folks.
But that's okay. J.Lo and A-Rod both worked hard for their money, and normal Americans never envy "The Rich."
The normal ones don't. Just the Democrat/Socialists. The politicians who say the rich "don't pay their fair share."
They are the folks that told us cows are a threat to the environment. That there ought not to be planes that fly, and cars to drive. That fossil fuels, which fuel their electric cars, are bad.
And we laughed.
But look outside. Heard any planes flying overhead lately? Notice anyone on the streets?
Socialists couldn't have pulled off a better takeover in a million years.
Without this Pandemic.
And the bad news never stops.
Today it was announced that stores which have been around for more than a hundred years, are going out of business.
Lord and Taylor. Saks Fifth Avenue.
Yesterday we were told to expect a shortage of meat.
When was it we were told that bugs were a good protein alternative? And veggies were the way to go. That this was the "better" way to eat.
It might have been at one of Cory Booker's vegan luncheons. Or maybe it was part of the New Green Deal.
That's the Plan, it turned out, that had nothing to do with Global Warming, Rep. Ocasio-Cortez' campaign manager disclosed, but was really designed to remake America's economy.
It was the Plan we laughed at.
But here we are. And wondering how we got here.
Our states stay shut down without any consideration of the financial hardships people and businesses are suffering.
After all, governors and Congressmen are still getting paid.
But some people have had enough.
Hair salon owner, Shelley Luther, was arrested when she reopened her business in violation of a Stay at Home order.
California barbershop owner Juan Desmarais was served with a Cease and Desist order when he did the same.
Luther was accused of "irreparable injury to locals with the substantial risk of continuing the spread of the deadly Covid-19."
The presiding judge scolded her, and offered to let her off the hook if she, in North Korean fashion, agreed she'd been selfish, and apologized.
She wouldn't. She said she wasn't selfish to want to feed her kids.
She went to jail for endangering the public.
But how about the homeless living on the streets? In Pelosi and Schumer's states. What threat does their defecating, urinating, and leaving used needles on the streets pose to others? No one asks.
If nothing else, with this whole thing we've learned that there are rules. And then there are rules.
Gov. Cuomo can lecture us on how not wearing masks will "literally kill people," while he doesn't wear one.
His brother can travel to inspect property in East Hampton while he's infected with the virus, and get away with lying about being "quarantined" in his basement on his CNN show.
When 65-year-old David Whelan called him out for his hypocritical behavior, Fredo felt he was entitled to scream, "Who the hell are you? I can do what I want!"
And he can. And they can. But you can't. And if you ask them why they can, they all are angry, not embarrassed.
It's why Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot believes she can defend herself by saying "I'm the public face of this city. I'm on national media, and I'm out in the public eye."
When she got a haircut. And wasn't supposed to.
It's the reason why the wife of the governor of Illinois can jet to their mansion in Florida to tend their horses, while the state is in lockdown, and the governor, when asked about it, could angrily call the reporter's question "reprehensible."
Then there is Michelle Obama.
No, not the messages she and Laura Bush delivered in support of the Global Citizen concert, proceeds to benefit the World Health Organization. That's the organization which defended and supported China's handling of the Pandemic originating in its country.
And still does.
No, the messages from the ill-intentioned First Ladies were the result of sheer ignorance, spurred on by Bush/Obama Trump Hatred.
It was Mrs. Obama's Public Service Announcement that was interesting.
Michelle Obama urged people to stay home during the Pandemic, "Except," she said, "if you need essential healthcare, essential food or supplies, or to go to your essential job."
"Because," she added, "even if we are not showing any symptoms, we can still spread the virus to others."
That was two days before her husband traveled 40 miles in a government-chauffered limo, from his home in D.C. to the Robert Trent Jones Golf Club in Virginia to play golf.
While D.C. and Virginia were under quarantine.
Needless to say, we're in a pickle, with a bunch of morons in charge.
Hold the line, America.
Where We Go One, We Go All
Stay strong, Patriots.
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