"Those who are successful overcome their fears and take action. Those who aren't, submit to their fears and live with regret." Jay-Z
May 13, 2020
By: Linda Case Gibbons, Esq.
As Chef Bobby Flay once said, "I don't usually jump when I'm told to."
Americans usually don't. It has something to do with the U.S. Constitution. And being American.
But lately all we're learning to ask is, "How high?"
Since February, the experts have told us they don't know the Why-and-Wherefore's of the Coronavirus.
We keep hoping they'll tell us the nightmare is over.
But they don't. And it's not.
Just yesterday, Dr. Anthony Fauci testified, and warned a Senate panel that if the country opens too soon, it will result in "needless suffering and death." And kids? He doesn't think they'll be back in school in the fall.
The media and Democrats were tickled pink.
A closed-down country presents all kinds of unconstitutional opportunities: Mail-in ballot fraud. Gun control. Implementation of Andrew Yang and Mark Zuckerberg's Socialistic Universal Basic Income.
And, with no new information to impart, those who closed us down drone endlessly, "Wash your hands. Wear a mask. Stay away from those who are sick...We're all in this together."
There are even commercials, showing happy, toned people, exercising, cooking.
Cavorting cheerfully, inside their homes, with children and pets, while simultaneously teaching their kids, of various grade levels, the New Math, and trying to joyfully figure out how to keep joyfully cavorting.
Without a paycheck.
One thing the experts have always known: Who is vulnerable. Adults over 65, with compromised immune systems, with chronic medical conditions.
But the experts didn't protect those people. Instead they locked up healthy ones. And the most vulnerable died.
In Democrat Gov. Phil Murphy's state, 74 veterans in a Paramus VA hospital died. Chaos reigned.
Steve Mastropietro was told his father was alive at the New Jersey Veterans Home, when his father had died hours earlier, but was misidentified as another patient.
And in New York City, Democrat Gov. Cuomo's order mandating virus-infected seniors be admitted back into nursing homes, resulted in more than 4,000 senior citizen deaths.
If you're sick of this. If you're insulted at hearing what is essentially propaganda.
If you are tired of being told who are "heroes," and who aren't. (You're not.)
And how grateful you should be to be at home, bonding with family, and pondering what is important in life.
You're not alone. But the one thing we didn't need was CNN's Dr. Sonjay Gupta scolding Stay-at-Homers to suck it up, and use their time wisely, to "learn how to play chess," in order to manage the stress they are experiencing.
Because they don't have a paycheck.
It's all strange. And it's political.
Democrat California Gov. Newsom shut down Los Angeles county until July.
Pennsylvania Democrat Gov. Tom Wolf is threatenng to withhold federal funds from municipalities who defy his shutdown orders.
And New Jersey Democrat Gov. Murphy urged asymptomatic people to go and be tested.
This is at the same time a health official in California frighteningly announced that those testing positive could be removed from their homes.
Then had to walk the comment back. But not the meaning.
Testing? They all want it for us. They're not sure what they are testing for.
They don't tell us where the results will be stored. Or who is collecting the data.
Is it Democrat operatives like in Michigan? If you test negative today, do you have to be tested tomorrow? Or forever?
And finally, is it legal for the government to force citizens to submit to bodily tests? Isn't a warrant needed for that?
Make no mistake, Dr. Fauci has always been a Fauci in Sheep's Clothing, a poodle for the Left. And he's not done with his dire predictions yet.
Now, scared and exhausted, when we ask, "What else can go wrong?" we're told Giant Murder Hornets have been sighted in the U.S. Northwest.
From Asia.
The bugs came here about the time the Pandemic did, and are expected to hitch a ride to the East Coast in the near future.
Now even the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse are annoyed. And it makes you start to think all kinds of crazy things.
Like suppose Congressmen. Government workers. Mayors and governors. Members of the media. And, yes, even Dr. Sanjay Gupta.
Suppose they go without paychecks until the country opens up. Like the rest of us.
They could stay at home. Like the rest of us, bonding with their families.
And, who knows. They might even learn how to play chess.
Hold the line, America.
Where We Go One, We Go All.
Stay strong, Patriots.
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