"Some people value their lives over freedom. Some people value freedom over their lives. We all make our decisions." Actress Evangeline Lilly, On being criticized for living with her father who has Stage 4 leukemia.
March 25, 2020
By: Linda Case Gibbons, Esq.
It's never a good day when a Socialist is smiling.
But, then again, the prospect of Martial Law always could put a spring in a Socialist's step.
This week, Governors Cuomo, Newsom, Mayor deBlasio and other Socialist/Democrats were grinning from ear to ear.
They're pleasantly surprised that this country could be changed from a Constitutional Republic to a Socialist one, with a sneeze, a cough, a fever, and some respiratory problems.
The Coronavirus has been like shouting "Fire" in a crowded theater.
It's made voters forget that Joe Biden is wacky. And miss the news that Beatrice, the French bulldog who played Ed O'Neill's "Stella" on Modern Family, passed away on March 7.
It's made it possible for Nancy Pelosi to shamelessly Pork-Pack a financial relief bill designed to save lives, not kill babies.
It emboldened "Nobodies" like Champaign, Illinois Mayor Deborah Feinen to issue an executive order which grants her many powers, but most frighteningly, the power to cut off individuals' gas, water, or electricity, and to take possession of property, real and personal.
(That's "real estate," and the rest of your "stuff.")
And, surprisingly this month, the virus has made Governors Cuomo and Newsom uncharacteristically complimentary of President Trump.
And why shouldn't they be? He is bailing them out after they did a terrible job of governing.
"He is fully engaged on trying to help. I thank him for his partnership," Cuomo said, praising the president for sending a U.S. Naval hospital ship.
That was last week.
That was before Fredo's brother realized, that the first time he was able to successfully string four sentences together, his speech made him a contender.
For president.
The media said so.
But then they said that about Michael Avenatti, too. And he's facing 330 years in jail.
"The New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo is rising as an alternative guiding force for a nation in crisis," Richard Luscombe glowingly wrote in The Guardian, adding that Anthony Scaramucci had high praise for Cuomo's "wisdom and competence."
Anthony Scaramucci.
The media was ecstatic. They were beginning to come up dry with Trump-bashing issues.
They'd tried calling him xenophobic for placing travel restrictions on China. But that didn't work.
The New York Times tried to stir up fake tension between Coronavirus guru Dr. Anthony Fauci, claiming Trump "muzzled" the doctor, but Fauci soon put that to rest.
They even attacked Trump for offering Hope to the American people. Said it showed he didn't care enough.
They preferred Cuomo and Comrade deBlasio's now almost daily "wanna' be president" press briefings, in which they threaten, warn and otherwise scare people to death.
It's what Socialists do best.
This week Cuomo is back to being mad at Trump again. This time it's about the 30,000 ventilators he says New York needs.
"What am I going to do with 400 ventilators when I need 30,000?" Cuomo screeched. "The only way we can obtain these ventilators is from the federal government."
He didn't mention, and the press didn't either, that in 2015 he had the chance to purchase 16,000 ventilators, but instead instructed his Health Commissioner Howard Zucker to draft rules for rationing what they already had.
And, characteristically, the Leftist media didn't connect the dots.
They ignored the fact that the Do Nothing governors of Sanctuary States Washington, California and New York, along with their federal Congressional counterparts, have put us all at risk.
These Democrat elected officials allowed their cities to become virtual toilets, needles and feces strewn streets ripe for an epidemic.
These three states are among the top three in terms of homelessness, yet their elected officials did nothing. And when they did nothing, their states became "Hot Spots" for the Coronavirus.
Well, actually Mayor deBlasio did do something about New York City's homeless problem.
He sent them to Newark, New Jersey.
So while American citizens are in lockdown, furloughed from their jobs, California Democrat leaders like Pelosi, Schiff and Feinstein do nothing, but persecute the president.
And while American citizens are expected to foot the bill for a Coronavirus bailout, four U.S. senators spent their time, at work, in Congress, selling millions of dollars of their stocks before the stock market took a Coronavirus Dive.
Senators Burr, Feinstein, Loeffler and Inhofe.
Remember all their names.
These are the people who value politics over people.
And they're part of the reason you can't go out and play.
Hold the line, America.
Where We Go One, We Go All
Stay strong, Patriots