January 15th, 2020
2:13 pm
"Money often costs too much." Ralph Waldo Emerson
January 15, 2020
By: Linda Case Gibbons, Esq.
Spiritual Law says there's enough for everybody.
But there are some who want more.
And in America, you can have it.
Americans can trade on their positions and make money. Like Lunchbox Joe and Hunter. Like Barack and Michelle, and Michelle doesn't even do voice-overs.
The Duke and Duchess of Illinois have done just fine since being black and living in the White Hous...
January 8th, 2020
5:21 pm
"Why fit in when you were born to stand out?" Dr. Seuss
January 8, 2020
By: Linda Case Gibbons, Esq.
It makes a lot of sense. The stab of nostalgia you feel remembering the Good Old Days. All you have to do is watch of couple of Turner Classic Movies.
Gable. Tracy. Bogie and Bacall.
They smoked like chimneys, and were rarely on screen without a drink in hand. But when the chips were down, these classic stars would lay down their lives for their country.
There was n...
January 1st, 2020
6:19 pm
"Anybody who can go down 3,000 feet in a mine, can sure as hell learn to program as well. Anybody who can throw coal into a furnace can learn how to program, for God's sake!" Joe Biden,
On the Campaign Trail, Derry, N.H., Dec. 30, 2019
January 1, 2020
By: Linda Case Gibbons, Esq.
They say New Year's resolutions, like promises, were made to be broken.
Well, while it's true it wouldn't be the end of the world if you didn't stay on that diet, or weren't nicer to your mom, it ...