"Why fit in when you were born to stand out?" Dr. Seuss
January 8, 2020
By: Linda Case Gibbons, Esq.
It makes a lot of sense. The stab of nostalgia you feel remembering the Good Old Days. All you have to do is watch of couple of Turner Classic Movies.
Gable. Tracy. Bogie and Bacall.
They smoked like chimneys, and were rarely on screen without a drink in hand. But when the chips were down, these classic stars would lay down their lives for their country.
There was never any question about it. U.S. was tops in their book.
Mel Brooks was 17 years old when he joined the U.S. Army, serving as part of an engineer combat battalion diffusing land mines.
Jimmy Stewart was already a big star when he joined the U.S. Air Force, and flew bombing missions over Germany and Nazi-occupied Europe.
Kirk Douglas was wounded while serving as a communications officer in anti-submarine warfare.
And Clark Gable enlisted in the U.S. Army Air Force after the death of his wife, Carole Lombard, whose plane crashed after a tour promoting the sale of war bonds.
On New Year's Eve, 2019, Iranian-backed militiamen attacked the U.S. Embassy in Baghdad.
Thinking they were back in the Good Old Days of John Kerry and Barack Obama, the mullahs thought nothing would happen. After all, nothng happened in 2016 when Iran captured ten U.S. sailors and arrested them for entering Iranian waters.
Except that Secretary of State John Kerry thanked Iran for "their swift response" in releasing the men.
And who doesn't remember the Only-Good-for-Iran-Deal that John Kerry brokered for Obama, while Iranians screamed "Death to America" in the streets, not to mention the oodles of money Obama sent to that country, hoping to win over the "World's Leading State Sponsor of Terrorism.
To make them like us.
Unfortunately for Iran, that all ended in 2016 when one man reminded Americans of those Good Old Days. When he said, "America is great."
He's still paying a price for that.
This week, unlike Barack Obama, President Trump honored his Red Line in the Sand.
And unlike Benghazi, President Trump responded to the death of an American at the embassy in Baghdad, and took out the man responsible, the terrorist leader of the Iran's elite Quds Force, Gen. Qassem Soleimani.
Hollywood was angry. The "Liar of Benghazi," Susan Rice had the nerve to be angry. And rapper Cardi B said she's applying for Nigerian citienship because of it.
They weren't upset at the death of an American at the embassy. Nor the atrocities and deaths committed and orchestrated against Americans and innocent Iranian protestors by Soleimani.
They were angry at the President.
Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi dismissed the whole thing as a "needless provocation by this administration."
The New York Times was distressed to witness the grief exhibited by the thousands who attended Soleimani's funeral, but neglected to say that this was the type of "mandatory mourning" demanded of its people by countries like these.
Like the weeping and gnashing of teeth at the funeral of North Korean Dear Leader Kim Jong-il, a gross abuser of human rights.
It was simply "Mourning to Survive."
It came as no surprise MSNBC provided Iran's propaganda for them by reporting that 30 U.S. soldiers had been killed during the missile attack on a U.S. base in Iraq, stating they relied on Iran state media as their source.
And it was no surprise that this was untrue.
There are people in this country who think Iran is owed an apology, the kind of apologies they had grown used to with the previous administration, with Obama's endless Apology Tours.
And actress Rose McGowan gave them one.
"Dear Iran. The USA has disrespected your country, your flag, your people. 52% of us humbly apologize. We want peace with your nation. We are being held hostage by a terrorist regime. We do not know how to escape. Please do not kill us. #Soleimani.
Choosing a side used to be a lot more clear-cut in the Good Old Days. There was only one side: America.
But that has never been a tough choice for this president.
Even when Congress introduces a resolution to limit his power to lead the military in a confrontation with Iran, as Nancy Pelosi did today.
Even when they try to impeach him.
Even when he has to stand alone. He's on the side of America first.
Hold the line, America.
Where We Go One, We Go All.
Stay strong, Patriots.