"I'm tired of these self-righteous environmentalsts, these white, bourgeois liberals, who think the only thing wrong with this country is that there aren't enough bicycle paths. People trying to
make the world safe for Volvos." George Carlin
October 14, 2020, And Every Wednesday
By: Linda Case Gibbons, Esq.
"Save the trees, save the bees. Save the whales, save those snails."*
Everybody's a victim. That's the way Democrats like it, and they aim to keep it that way.
It's one of the reasons Democrats fear and hate the middle class. Those folks are a feisty bunch who refuse to be victims.
They are people like Supreme Court nominee, Judge Amy Coney Barrett. A no-nonsense type who sucessfully managed to rattle Democrat senators during her Senate Confirmation Hearing this week, just with her intelligence. And her ethics.
Ethics are something that drives Democrats buggy. And it's one of the reasons the middle class should ask for a recount.
For what? Well, because Democrats have no ethics. But mostly because whenever a catastrophe pops up -- abolishing cops, looting, rioting, the Wuhan Virus -- it is said, routinely, that the most affected people are the poor, black and brown.
It's true. They are affected. But so are the middle classers. After all, they are the people who do Clean Up.
They're the people who lost out when Obamacare took away the healthcare plan they wanted, and got rid of the doctors they liked. All just so 21 million people could get coverage, while approximately 310 million lost theirs to high cost plans with incredibly high deductibles.
They are the people who pick up the tab for whatever comes up. Like the mess the Left's "peaceful protesters" have made of our country.
The middle class pays for all of it.
To add insult to injury, they are expected to bail out incompetent politicians who mismanaged their states and cities and blamed it all on the coronavirus.
Nancy Pelosi is ignoring the second Covid-19 Relief Bill to get bailouts for them, Cuomo, deBlasio, Murphy, Newsom and other Democrat officials who've messed up.
The ones who told cops to "stand down" while their cities burned.
Who negligently let senior citizens die in record numbers in nursing homes during the pandemic.
And, by their incompetence, let wildfires burn down California.
The middle class does so much, but, as Rodney Dangerfield used to say, they "don't get no respect." And then are maligned to boot.
"They get bitter," President Obama said. "They cling to guns, or religion, or antipathy to people who aren't like them, or anti-immigrant sentiment, or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations."
Hillary Clinton was critical of Obama's comment about "small town America," in 2008, when she was running against Obama for the Democratic nomination.
"His remarks are elitist and out of touch," she sniffed.
But in 2016, she borrowed a page from Obama's disdain for the middle class.
She told an audience at a New York City fundraiser, "You could put half of Trump's supporters into what I call the Basket of Deplorables. The racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamaphobic. You name it."
During that campaign, Clinton announced she was "going to put a lot of coal miners out of business." In this year's campaign, Lunchbucket Joe told miners in Derry, N.H., to go out and learn to code.
"Anybody who can go down 3,000 feet in a mine," he barked, "can sure as hell learn to program, for God's sake!"
And who can forget when, in 2016, Obama told a union official for steel workers in Elkhart, Indiana, that jobs at a Carrier plant "are just not going to come back."
Their concern for what these statements meant to "hard working American workers" was touching.
This week CNN's Wolf Blitzer dared to ask Speaker Pelosi why she isn't accepting the $1.8 trillion dollar relief package offered by the Republicans.
This did not go down well with Madame Chairman, not like a question about her ice cream choices would have.
"What makes me amused if it weren't so sad," the Speaker fumed, "is how you all think that you know more about the suffering of the American people than those of us who are elected by them to represent them at that table."
"Thank you for your sensitivity to our constituents' needs," Pelosi said to Wolfie sarcastically.
"I am sensitive to them." Blitzer said, "because I see them on the street begging for food, begging for money, Madame Speaker."
"Have you fed them? We feed them! We feed them!" Pelosi screamed.
Acceptance of the relief bill would benefit people of all colors and all classes. But Nancy Pelosi, Obama, Clinton and Biden just see them as victims.
Speaker Pelosi might be surprised to know that members of the middle class do know more about suffering than she does.
And that they know more about Winning, Winning, Winning than Democrats ever will.
Hold the line, America.
Where We Go One, We Go All
Stay strong, Patriots.
Check out Lest We Forget
*George Carlin