"I saw a man spill his Scrabble letters on the road. I asked him, 'What's the word on the street?" Anonymous
December 23, 2020, And Every Wednesday
By: Linda Case Gibbons, Esq.
Quicker than Chris Christie can prove Gastric Bypass Surgery doesn't work, the former New Jersey governor is out campaigning for the 2024 presidential election, and bad-mouthing President Trump along the way.
This week the pudgy politician mealy-mouthed his way through interviews on as many TV outlets as would have him, for the sole purpose of explaining why the president should give up.
"I have been a supporter of the president. I voted for him twice," Christie said defensively in every interview. "But elections have consequences, and we cannot continue to act as if something happened here that didn't happen."
"Unwillingness to present evidence," he added, "must mean the evidence doesn't exist."
Tsk, tsk. Apparently this former U.S. attorney hasn't been keeping up with things. Like evidence. Of election fraud.
Most American voters have been keeping track of the evidence, and they're furious, wondering why U.S. Postal workers who falsified mail-in ballots, aren't in jail. And why Congress, Bill Barr, and the Supreme Court are no shows when it comes to what is clearly rampant voter fraud.
But former New Jersey Gov. Christie dismisses all of this. He calls Trump's challenge to the 2020 election "a national embarrassment."
"The fact is," Christie said yesterday on Fox News, "Joe Biden won the presidency."
A statement which tells you everything you need to know about Chris Christie.
It's not the first time he has turned tail and run, nor the first time he has bailed on "friends."
During "Bridgegate," Christie swore up and down that he knew nothing about the plot to shut down lanes leading to the George Washington Bridge, then threw his Deputy Chief of Staff Bridget Kelly under the bus "and ran over her," as her attorney put it.
Christie escaped unscathed, but Kelly was convicted, her sentence later reversed by the Supreme Court.
When Billy Bush broke the infamous Trump Access Hollywood tape and things looked bad for Trump, Christie made a beeline for the door.
And during his second term as New Jersey governor, he basically just stopped doing the job, so that even his most ardent political supporters urged him to quit.
Like Mitt Romney, Michael Cohen and Anthony Scaramucci, Christie has become bitter after being rejected by Trump.
These are fellas who find it easier to lose than fight, and to blame their failures on Trump.
Mitt went from calling potential presidential nominee Trump "a con man," who had "neither the temperament, nor the judgmet to be president," in March 2016, to scraping and bowing to be Trump's secretary of state.
The Mooch lasted 11 days in his White House communications job, before he was fired. He blamed it on Trump, but the fact is he couldn't do the job without using four letter words.
And convicted felon attorney Michael Cohen loved Trump, until he didn't.
Then he showed himself for the low life he was, vindictively testifying against Trump during House Russian collusion hearings.
Fortunately, none of these men are on Trump's team, and Representatives Mo Brooks (R-AL) and Jody Hice (R-GA) are. These guys are prepared to help Trump and the country, by challenging the Electoral College votes in Congress on January 6.
It only takes two. One in the House. One in the Senate.
"There are now dozens in the House of Representatives who are persuaded as I am that there's been massive voter fraud and election theft," Brooks told Fox's Martha Macallum last night, "and we can either accept that, or fight that.
"And we've chosen to fight." So has Trump.
Now as we approach Christmas, we should be grateful that we have a president who brought back saying "Merry Christmas."
That we have a Commander in Chief who is not afraid to veto a Relief Bill that insults Americans and rewards foreign countries, the way Obama loved to do.
And we will realize how blessed we have been to have a president who never gives up.
That's part of his Presidential Art of the Deal. He's the total package.
Have a Merry Christmas and pray for our President. And our country.
Hold the line, America.
Where We Go One, We Go All
Stay strong, Patriots
Check out Lest We Forget.