
December 24th, 2024 12:03 pm
Christmas Day, 2024

If you'r contemplating committing a hideously, gruesome murder...if you're that way inclined...better get going. Joe is pardoning every criminal he can, except maybe Jack the Ripper, so you'll stand a good chance you can make Joe's Pardon List.

But you gotta' make hay while the sun shines. Joe's out on his ear in a couple of weeks, although it can't come soon enough. He's dangerous, like a toddler with a lighter.

There are those who say it's Joe who is burning down the American House. Some say it's Dr. Jill. Either way, they're both p***ed at having to perform A Peaceful Transfer of Power...if you catch my drift.

Now everybody is talking trash about Joe...His mind, his corrupt deeds, his corrupt family, pardoning his son. The Wall Street Journal finally "realized" Joe's not all there? Democrats are online stating they should have said something about Joe's mental state. Now? Too late, buddies.

It's so bad, that the Legacy Media is cutting salaries and firing the loyal Democrat press.

It's a real good feeling, ain't it?

Hang tough.
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