
August 10th, 2022 12:29 pm
August 10, 2022

Give 'em an inch, and they'll take a mile.

The Deep State doesn't give a damn. FBI, DOJ, you name it. They figure they're holding all the cards, so much so that they can raid anyone's home, just like in the good old days of British occupation.

It's probably "The Sneer," that does it. It's a facial statement they adopt that says, "I can do what I want. And not do what I don't want to do. Because no one can touch me."

Slimy types like Strzok had it. So did Comey, McCabe and now Wray. And a lot of others are beneficiaries of The Sneer.

Hillary will tell you. She destroyed emails, stored state secret documents in her private hidden in her bathroom closet, and sent some of them to Anthony Weiner's laptop. And she's still in Chappaqua drinking Chardonnay.

Joe and Nancy are promoting their crooked sons around the world, on government jets, on your dime, and are still eating ice cream.

They're able to do this because the FBI and the rest of the Deep State are on their payroll.

They're not on The Donald's payroll. But, in the end, he's the one who going to win.

Hang tough.

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