
February 23rd, 2022 4:18 pm
February 23, 2022

Former Federal Prosecutor Glenn Kirschner says Donald Trump is potentially facing a five year felony charge over allegations that he took classified national security documents from the White House when he left.

Kirschner's a legal analyst over at MSNBC, (says it all), and a Trump-Hater of the first order.

The Donald, when requested, returned the documents. But among them, it is claimed, there were those which the National Archives and Records Administration identifed marked "classified."

Son of a gun. And those who hate Trump were joyous.

But remember when Hillary deleted 32,000 e-mails from her private server when she was secretary of state? "They were just yoga and Chelsea's wedding e-mails," she chirped.

Some of them, later recovered, were found to be classified.

Remember when she smashed and acid washed all her electronic devices?

When she and Bill stole furniture and gee-gaws from the White House when they left, and then were forced to return them?

When the FBI found Hillary's Secretary of State e-mails on Anthony Weiner's laptop along with Weiner's sexually explicit text messages to a teen girl?

I don't know about you, but this woman looks like great presidential material. 

Hang tough.


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