
March 30th, 2022 11:41 am
March 30, 2022

If making Mother Earth healthy were really important to the Climate Freaks, they'd tell the truth.

China is revving up more coal mines than ever, and like India and Russia, pollute more than the U.S. That should be part of the discussion. If they told the truth.

The U.S. has cleaner air and water than any other country, and its oil is cleaner than that coming into our country from Russia.

And it bears mentioning that you can't get rid of fossil fuel and depend on wind for energy. Europe tried it and it failed. Germany nearly went backrupt. And Texas wind turbines froze and nearly froze Texans during a spell of cold, windless weather.

Not to mention the bird families who are picketing Washington, begging for a different solution.

All these issues would be part of the discussion, if people like John Kerry would tell the truth. And stop flying his jet around the globe.

Hang tough.
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