May 4, 2022
Who says there is no God?
The past few weeks it looks like Karma is kicking a**.
Super Woke NetFlix and Disney are getting what they deserve, NetFlix losing money and viewers, and Disney's reputation in the toilet.
This past week it was announced Harry and Meghan were dumped by NetFlix and Spotify, and the same thing happened to Michelle and Barack. These are folks who think themselves to be fascinating, but the rest of us don't.
It was fascinating to see two arrogants meet in a pod cast. Obama and Bruce Springsteen, trashing America and Trump as only narcissts can.
As to Harry. He should stop talking about the only country that will have him and his wife. Everyone is sick of his crying about how tough he had it in the palace, while ignoring problems in the UK.
For starters, his county has a monarchy, (albeit a very nice queen), and we don't. That could be seen as a problem to freedom-loving people. We did. Hence the Revolution.
And why doesn't the Essex twosome have an interview, with Oprah, about Uncle Andrew and Jeffrey Epstin. And the settlement that is costing the Brits a bundle?
Or maybe they should start a lottery on how long Harry can hang on without a job. That would sell.
Piers Morgan would have to do the interview.
Oprah is too busy making a PBS documentary on the how the U.S. healthcare system ignores black Americans, even with Obamacare, while she and Obama ignore the citizens getting murdered in Mayor Lightfoot's Chicago. Oprah's home town.
Hang tough.