
October 6th, 2021 3:25 pm

October 6, 2021

There are so many "If Only's" in life. One of them is that George Soros can never run for president in the U.S. of A.

Geotge was born in Budapest, so the Constitution says he can't. But that doesn't stop him from influencing every aspect of life in America.

Like the Social Justice prosecutors in LA, Chicago, New York and Philly? You can thank Soros for that. He's a funny guy. He wants to remake America and taking down our cities, dismantling our legal system, is so...

September 29th, 2021 1:58 pm

September 29, 2021

Florida Rep. Matt Gaetz is a gutsy guy, who can think on his feet, and doesn't pull any punches. 

He looked like presidential material and wasn't afraid to expose Democrats when it was needed, and that's exactly what got him in trouble and when the "smear campaign" against him began.

The FBI said he was being investigated, but then we never heard another word about it. But it worked. Gaetz  was sidelined.

This week he made a comeback, questioning Gen. Mille...

September 22nd, 2021 2:32 pm

September 22, 2021

The Leftist media was delighted that the crowds gathered in D.C. last week to protest the arrests of January 6 demonstrators were sparse.

Could it be that the presence of local, state and federal law enforcement might have had a chilling effect?

The Left may hold all the cards, but they are scared silly that the type of people who dare to exercise their right of assembly and freedom of speech, are the types who aren't afraid to come to a Trump rally.

And th...

September 15th, 2021 2:54 pm

September 15, 2021

Life is funny sometimes.

During the Pandemic, there were those who were "essential." There were even signs on front lawns thanking some of them.

There were the healthcare workers at your local hospital. The checkout lady at your supermarket. The people who kept us fed and protected us from madness.

But now, Sleepy Joe has decided that those "essential people" must be vaccinated or else they will lose their jobs. Nurses in Texas are being fired by the boatlo...

September 8th, 2021 3:16 pm

September 8, 2021

Canada's Prime Minister JustinTrudeau may look cute in the little outfits he likes to wear from time to time. Like when he and his whole family decked themselves out in Indian costumes when visiting India.

But this week, whatever he has done to lock down Canadians because of Covid has eroded whatever good feelings his countrymen have for him.

While campaigning, Trudeau was hit by gravel sized stones, which probably didn't come from supporters.

Like Gov. Gavi...

September 1st, 2021 5:13 pm

September 1, 2021

Hillary, like a bad penny, has surfaced again today. No, not to comment on the tragedy occurring in Afghanistan. And not to offer condolences to the families of the U.S. servicemen killed there.

Hillary is mad as a wet hen about a Texas law which will take effect today which makes abortions illegal after a heartbeat is detected. The law was allowed to go into effect after the Supreme Court chose not to rule on it.

And it's funny. You always know you know it, but...

August 25th, 2021 4:38 pm

August 25, 2021

It's bad enough that illegal immigrants and their Chinese Coronavirus have been invited to pour across our southern border, but did we really need Kamala to fly to the Far East and bring back a strain of something we didn't have?

First of all, why is she in Vietnam? Does she know anything about U.S. history in Vietnam? She should ask Hanoi Jane.

Secondly since the "Havana Syndrome" is reported to have affected diplomatic personnel in Cuba in 2016, why is our vice...

August 18th, 2021 12:56 pm

August 18, 2021

George is out there again. He doesn't do it often, just when it makes the least sense.

A couple of days ago Bush made a plea for the U.S. to resettle Afghans displaced by the invasion of the Taliban into their country -- those "who have been on the forefront of prograss inside their nation."

Like Joe, he didn't focus on the American citizens held virtual hostages there.

But that's probably because President Trump and Secretary of State Pompeo had a plan to eva...

August 11th, 2021 2:40 pm

August 11, 2021

You gotta' hand it to CNN. They invent new ways to hurt themselves every day. Without even trying.

Remember Michael Avenatti? The Stormy Daniels attorney appeared on CNN more than a hundred times, and during those times he was adored to the point where anchors there wanted to run the guy for president.

That was until it was discovered he was best at chasing ambulances and scamming his clients out of money.

Last year, "Whoops! CNN did it again!" They were so e...

August 4th, 2021 3:41 pm

August 4, 2021

If anything could make me give up the ghost, outside of Jennifer Aniston announcing she won't hang out with you if you're not vaccinated, it's the grief I feel for Obama having to cancel his 60th Birthday Bash. Or at least scale it back.

It has to be extremely upsetting to his 700 close friends and their private jet pilots But it's also a  relief, I would imagine.

Because what the heck do you give a fella' who owns a $12 million dollar mansion on Martha's Vineyard,...
