August 25, 2021
It's bad enough that illegal immigrants and their Chinese Coronavirus have been invited to pour across our southern border, but did we really need Kamala to fly to the Far East and bring back a strain of something we didn't have?
First of all, why is she in Vietnam? Does she know anything about U.S. history in Vietnam? She should ask Hanoi Jane.
Secondly since the "Havana Syndrome" is reported to have affected diplomatic personnel in Cuba in 2016, why is our vice president going somewhere she doesn't need to be?
The symptoms include ear-popping, vertigo, severe headaches and nausea. It's not poison used on Putin's political opponents, but sounds like something out of a Jason Bourne novel.
And remember, Nancy is next in line.
We're told, however, that the CIA, State Department and Department of Defense are investigating the origin of the syndrome. But given the track record of these guys, I bet Kamala is feeling a little unsettled right about now, about whoever said to her this week, "There isn't much going on now, Kam. Why don't you take a trip over to Vietnam?"
Hang tough.