
May 22nd, 2024 4:19 pm
May 22, 2024

There was a beautiful woman in a Twilight Zone episode where viewers saw a hospital staff that was worried about her. “We need to operate,” a doctor said. And viewers wondered, why?

When the camera focused on the medical staff, they saw why. The other people were like characters out of a Star Trek show. Scars, horns, ugly, scary, you name it. In this case, “beautiful” wasn’t, not to them.

It’s like politics. And today’s law. If you’re normal, you’re out of luck. If you like your country, or are against foreigners infiltrating it, you’re called racist and other names.

This is our own Twilight Zone, when we witness freaks who are demanding we say they're not freaks.

Or the judges who demand we accept their unconstitutional rendering of the law.  Be like Trump. Say No Way, Jose. And don't give in. Don't ever, ever give in.

Hang tough.

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