
June 12th, 2024 7:11 pm
June 12, 2024

Universal Basic Income is a policy wherein the government pays every adult a set amount of money regularly. It doesn't sound right.

The Pilgrims gave it a whirl.They tried giving each person an equal share in food that was grown, regardless whether the person worked or not. It didn't work.

But Ukraine President Zelenski? He thinks the concept sounds just ducky. The U.S. gives him billions of dollars on a regular basis (although not nearly as often as he wants), and he doesn't  have to participate in his own war or pretend he cares.

Zelenski wants the war to continue because he wants his Universal Basic Income to continue.

This week he screamed that Trump would be a "loser" president if he brokers a "poor peace deal" on Ukraine. He says Trump would withhold support. "Ukraine, barehanded, without weapons, will not be able to fight a multimillion Russian army."

This May Joe gave Z another $61billion, for all that war stuff, and Joe apologized for it taking so long.

Just the way Obama whispered to outgoing Russian President Melvedev, "Tell Putin I'll. have more flexibility to deal with issues like missile defense after the U.S. presidential election."

What is it with these two? They love to share their love with our enemies. But, seriously. Didn't you always know what these two wanted to do to our country?

Hang tough.



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