
June 26th, 2024 2:57 pm
June 26, 2024

It's not that Prince Harry was ever known for making good decisions. Remember his Nazi costume? His antics in Las Vegas? And no one ever said he was a genius. His brother even criticized Harry's choice for a wife.

And now his wife, Meghan Markel, is telling the world that DNA tests have shown her to be a proud Nigerian.

Now, I'm not making fun of her, but every time there's a scam, or someone on Dr. Phil falls in love with a Catfish, isn't the scammer always from Nigeria?

In a recent visit to Nigeria with Harry, Meghan lovingly referred to Nigeria as "my country"  when she co-hosted a Women in Leadership event. And, she added, "What has been echoed so much in the past day is, 'Oh, we are not so surprised when we found out you are Nigerian." Funny thing is neither are we.

Hang tough.
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