
July 31st, 2024 2:08 pm
July 31, 2024

Did you see the look on Joe's family when he gave his speech announcing he was no longer a candidate? No way were they sad for Dad. They were depressed that their source of income was gone now that Joe was a real Lame Duck.

After the events with Israel this past week, there is fear of a third World War. But neither Joe nor the woman to whom Joe has "passed the torch" (much like a king would do), seem to care or be aware.

And why should they. They know that the Biden/Harris administration has been the cause of these wars and economic unrest simply by being weak and incompetent.

This week, with a calendar that has no events scheduled, Joe announces that he wants to change the Supreme Court, term limits, etc., because he doesn't like their rulings. It's not that the rulings are partisan, but because Joe doesn't understand the rulings.

This is as Kamala "reimagines" what she stands for, or used to stand for, but doesn't anymore, despite video evidence to the contrary.

As usual, neither Joe nor Kamala ever read anything, prepare for anything, or believe in anything that has to do with their jobs, and the safety of the U.S.

Hang tough.

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