
September 15th, 2021 2:54 pm
September 15, 2021

Life is funny sometimes.

During the Pandemic, there were those who were "essential." There were even signs on front lawns thanking some of them.

There were the healthcare workers at your local hospital. The checkout lady at your supermarket. The people who kept us fed and protected us from madness.

But now, Sleepy Joe has decided that those "essential people" must be vaccinated or else they will lose their jobs. Nurses in Texas are being fired by the boatload. And struggling businesses are back on the chopping block.

Joe's plan will heavily penalize businesses, $14,000 per incident for employees who are not innoculated, a mandate affecting more than 100 million Americana.

This hits capitalism and the middle class where it hurts, a hit from which there may be no recovery. 

Maybe that was what Covid was always intended to do. But the media will just say that's a conspiracy theory.

Hang tough.

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