February 25, 2025
The problem with most folks, including myself, is the tendency to read "just the headlines," and not the whole article. That's why we see so many making fools of themselves, when they have opinions that are the result of...not reading the whole article.
Yesterday Michael Moore was one of them when he bemoaned the fact that deported illegals might deprive the world of some great minds. "Who's really being removed by ICE tonight? The child who would've discovered the cure for cancer in 2046? The 9th grader who would've stopped the asteroid that's gonna hit us in 2032," Moore wrote on Substack.
Nay, nay, dear Moore. We're deporting criminals, not children. The ones who have raped and pilaged their way across the good old U.S.A. The ones who you should be incensed about are those leakers who have put ICE agents at risk by broadcasting their names and addresses.
That can result in their families being hurt because their loved one is just doing their job, deporting people who came here illegally, and raped and pilaged their way across the U.S.A.
Hang tough.