Ronald Reagan had a plaque sitting on his desk. It said, "There is no limit to what a man can do or where he can go if he does not mind who gets the credit."
Reagan was a Republican, so no way does President Joe subscribe to this idea. In fact, he doesn't even subscribe to Harry's "The buck stops here."
Lunchbucket Joe is now President, but we could call him Grabby Joe. He wants credit for what he hasn't done, like getting a Coronavirus vaccine in less than a year.
Trump did that.
He wants to sew up the loose ends in our Constitution, so what happened in the 2020 Election doesn't happen again.
With the passage of HR1, prospective candidates will be warned that they dare not run. That there will not be another candidate who might come as close as Donald Trump did to winning. A second time. To that end, Democrats will grab all the votes they can. In any way they can.
This bill, called "For the People Act," just passed in the House, will fix that: Same day voter registration, early voting, voting by mail, no voter I.D., limits on cleaning up voter rolls, all with the goal of federalizing the voting process. A right Constitutionally reserved to the states.
Of course that isn't the way any of this works. Constitutionally. But Grabby Joe and his Grabby friends don't care. That's why sick illegal immigrants are being admitted and scattered over our country.
It's a good way to make sure the Pandemic never ends, and that a steady stream of votes for Democrats never ends. Which is right in the Democrat's Grabby Wheel House.But that can't be true. Can it?
Hang tough.