
February 10th, 2021 4:33 pm
February 10, 2021

So what kind of people run for public office? Looking at the majority of them, they all seem like they are a couple of cards short of a deck.

But who's going to say, "Hey, Hillary! I think you're bonkers." Heck, we won't even say that to President Joe.

But the media have been covering Hillary Clinton for years, and her complaining never stops. It's no wonder Bill falls asleep at Inaugurations.

She always feels like someone is out to get her. She said that very thing when Bill was accused of Oval Office misdeeds. That Republicans were out to get him. After the 2016 Election, she literally "toured" explaining why she'd been done dirty. It never stops. She never stops.

Today she's saying, "If the Senate Republicans fail to convict Donald Trump, it won't be because the facts were with him or his lawyers mounted a competent defense. It will be because the jury includes his co-conspirators."

Hillary Clinton. She's hard to take. But she has a lot of company. Nancy Pelosi, Maxine Waters and The Squad. Add in Chuck Schumer, Swalwell and Adam Schiff, and you're only seeing the tip of the iceburg.

Politicians! They're a nutty bunch.

Hang tough.
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