
February 24th, 2021 6:48 am
February 24, 2021

What happens here,  in life, in the history of a country, doesn't stay in Vegas. It's there for the ages. The good. The bad. And the ugly.

But when people who aren't real themselves, and who haven't done much of anything are in charge, you have a country where soon we could be living in the woods, memorizing classic books. 

You probably saw the movie.

So someone did something, and now Harper Lee's out of luck, the denizens from Harvard and other misfits, have killed her Mockingbird, along with Laura Ingalls' Little House on the Prairie and Dr. Seuss. No more Green Eggs and Ham for you,

These books, their Cancellers say, have something in history that was offensive. To them.

One book described life on the prairie, including American Indians. Another about life in the South and American Negroes. But these were period pieces. History. Speaking about what really happened.

Like it or not, you cannot change what happened, or make believe it didn't happen. Except, maybe, if you are in the media covering President Joe.

Oprah loves "period pieces." In fact just about everything she does talks about history, of those same Negroes. And how America was bad, and still is.

But while Cancellers like Disney and a librarian in Podunk tells Melania Trump her Dr. Seuss gift of books to children is wrong, Oprah never gets disclaimers placed on her stuff. 

And it's the same history. Hmmm.

Hang tough.
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