
March 24th, 2021 2:10 am

March 24, 2021

"Now they're starting to see that President Joe isn't up to the job," conservatives say happily, relieved that once things will be getting back to normal, and that everyone sees Joe's health isn't. Normal.

But sadly, it ain't so. About Joe.

It's all unfolding as the Democrats planned. The way Obama would have gotten it done. And still will.

Soon, very soon, President Joe will outgrow his usefulness. As planned.

He signed the pile of Executive Orders "they" put in front of him. Orders for which he will be blamed. Later.

He's allowed rampant illegal immigration. Allowed China to scold Joe's weak Secretary of State at a meeting on our soil. Encouraged ever-rising gasoline prices. With no real oil shortage to explain them.

But not now.

After D.C. and Puerto Rico and Guam are made Democrat states.

When every legal citizens' guns have been confiscated, the filibuster and the Constitution are "fixed," and election laws are broken so no one but a Democrat will ever win, then Joe will become ill. Or be removed. 

He will have been given the title of president. Dr. Jill will have been First Lady. And off they'll go. Probably a lot more financially secure than before.

It was always the plan.

Hang tough.
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