July 12, 2023
We all come with baggage. Heck, even the saints had checkered pasts, and they lived admirable lives.
But this week I realized Robert Kennedy, Jr., is the guy whose wife, Mary, committed suicide by hanging herself. Then I recalled he was a son of a gun to her, playing games with custody of their children and her finances.
Was her death his fault? At the very least, he didn't seem to be a very nice guy. And he was dating his current wife while still married to Mary.
So. Presidential material? I liked his stance on vaccines, and don't hold his former addiction problems against him. But we really don't need another Teddy Kennedy.
And then there's the fact that the men in this family have not always been their best selves. And have always expected their women to take it on the chin.
But I could be wrong.
Hang tough.