
August 23rd, 2023 2:27 pm

August 23, 2023

There's no getting around it, we're in a class all our own. And not in a good way.

It doesn't matter how much you like your talk show hosts, they have no idea what your life is about. and they don't have to. Not really. But they don't have much in common with you.

They can commiserate with you about not getting the Covid vaccine, losing your job and your sanity. Not to mention your friends and family. But they all got the shot so they could go to work while you cou...

August 16th, 2023 2:33 pm

August 16, 2023

You ever had one of those days? You know you oughta’, but your rear is dragging, so you don’t. Instead you maybe pull out a couple of deck chairs and head to the beach instead.

That's why Joe isn't hustling off to Hawaii. And probably why he hasn't gone to East Palestine since February when a derailed train ruined the water and the lives of people who live there.

"He's crazy!" "She's nuts!" We say it all the time. We don't mean it, but we say it. But suppose it's t...

August 9th, 2023 5:11 pm

August 9, 2023

Lithium batteries are bad news. They explode. They always have. And they still do. And yet they're still around. 

E-bikes are causing fires when they are being charged near homes. Cars are blowing up and burning when the lithium batteries go haywire. This year 114 battery fires have occurred. And yet the batteries are still around.

So why is it that our government wants to push electric cars, whose entire undercarriage is a giant lithium battery? And when the party'...

August 2nd, 2023 3:14 pm

August 2, 2023

Joe says it's a "family matter," when he and The Doctor ignored their seventh grandchild. But it's not.

It's a national problem. Joe can love Hunter all he wants, but the bottom line is this character is privy to what he shouldn't be privy to. And that is everything that comes across his father's desk. Or what happens in the White House. Where Hunter lives.

Loose lips still sink ships. A lot of people would like to know, and buy, that information. A lot of classifie...

July 26th, 2023 4:39 pm

July 26, 2023

RFK, Jr. must be doing something right. Every Democrat hates him, including members of his own family. Like Trump changed the Republican Party, Democrats are afraid Kennedy will do the same thing, and stop the easy road they have in their march toward Communism.

People don't like his opinions. They forget that Kennedy doesn't have to be right in his views, he only has to be an American.

Galileo was jailed and accused of heresy because he said the earth revolved aroun...

July 19th, 2023 3:06 pm

July 19, 2023

I wonder if the Secret Service thinks that the fact that Hunter liked to balance M&M’s on his penis while high on coke would make him a person of interest in the cocaine found in the White House.

The Secret Service said it couldn't identify the culprit, but perhaps it was because they didn't interview anyone. Especially not Hunter.

Hunter Biden is, was, who knows, a raging drug addict. Sex addict. He travels nowadays with a red backpack, and it probably doesn't have...

July 12th, 2023 1:27 pm

July 12, 2023

We all come with baggage. Heck, even the saints had checkered pasts, and they lived admirable lives.

But this week I realized Robert Kennedy, Jr., is the guy whose wife, Mary, committed suicide by hanging herself. Then I recalled he was a son of a gun to her, playing games with custody of their children and her finances.

Was her death his fault? At the very least, he didn't seem to be a very nice guy. And he was dating his current wife while still married to Mary.

July 5th, 2023 2:08 pm

July 5, 2023

Everyone has heroes. Donald J. Trump respects Gen. Patton. So who do you think are Joe Biden's heroes?

Off the top, I'd say Caligula and Nero.

At the time he became emperor, Caligula was favored. But soon people learned he was very cruel. And probably insane.

Nero was also famed for his cruelty. Among other atrocities, he arranged the murder of his mother, who was also his lover, and famously fiddled while he watched Rome burn.

These fellas' perfected the ar...

June 28th, 2023 2:38 pm

June 28, 2023

The Beatles were terrific. They were gifted young men that wrote songs like old souls. But it's possible they were not only good musicians, but might have been prophetic. George Harrison wrote The Taxman.

"If you drive a car, I'll tax the street. If you try to sit, I'll tax your seat. If you get too cold, I'll tax the heat. If you take a walk, I'll tax your feet." Cause he's the Taxman.

Well, son of a gun, here we are.

Because of mismanagement, social justice le...

June 21st, 2023 1:24 pm

June 21, 2023

It started out looking dandy, William Barr was going to be President Trump's attorney general.

But it was all downhill from there. 

Barr has been such a disappointment. It's not his obvious hatred of Trump. Everyone's allowed to have an opinion. But it's that he's nasty. And sometimes he's dead wrong about the law.  He lets his hatred color his better judgment.

"He has been the victim of unfair witch hunts in the past," Barr said on Face the Nation last week,...
