
June 14th, 2023 2:35 pm
June 14, 2023

There are so many wimps that should be ashamed of themselves. But shame is in short supply in today's world.

Tucker Carlson mentioned a few of them in his Third Twitter Show last night. Mike Pence and Mike Pompeo. As Tucker said, "a real man" would have told Trump they disagreed with him.

Instead these guys made believe they agreed. Made believe that they liked him. And flattered him, because as you know, flattery will get you everywhere. But not in the hearts of your countrymen.

Add Bill Barr to the list. And Nikki Haley. Now they have opinions about Trump, that these cowards would never say to him face-to-face. And, when asked, said pardoning Trump was something they would have to think about. Assuming they could possibly be president. They managed to be both slimy and arrogant at the same time.

They think we don't notice. And some of these types think they deserve anyone's vote. But no one likes a wimp. After you've seen Donald Trump in action, it's clear these people aren't fit to polish his shoes.

Hang tough. Make America Great Again.

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