
May 15th, 2024 2:50 pm
May 15, 2024

We know. It's upsettng to see students in every college, in every state hating America, rioting on behalf of terrorists like Hamas as a worthwhile cause.

But even more upsetting is seeing them go hungry while going on a hunger strike, then complaining because they were hungry...on their hunger strike. You can't blame them for not knowing squat about U.S. or world history. These subjects were cut from high school and college curriculums years ago.

If they did know history, they might have heard of Mahatma Gandhi, a man who knew how to go on a hunger strike. And when he did, he won independence for his country, India, from British rule.

He loved his country. He practiced and taught by example non-violent civil disobediance.

The students in our country ought to go to Gaza, where they can live in the Stone Age along with the citizens there, or as an alternative, they could crack a book, and learn about history and the lessons it teaches. Especially about hunger strikes.

Hang tough.
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