
June 19th, 2024 3:25 pm
June 19, 2024

The "experts" are saying expert things like inflation is slowing down. But the experts are the same as the folks in Washington, or the talking heads on cable news who tell you how bad it is, when it's anything but bad for them.

Larry Kudlow and Steve Moore are good guys and good economic experts. They review the country's economy in the media, and talk about how well the stock market is doing and such. But that isn't really real to people other than Kudlow and Moore. Not to mention people like Julia Roberts and George Clooney.

What's real is that this week a jar of Hellman's mayonnaise priced out at $7 dollars, twice its original $3.59. A loaf of bread was $6 dollars. When you're done, there's not enough to put anything in your sandwich. Home insurance is up, and so are healthcare costs. And incomes stay where they were.

The reason given? Not We're Not Drilling, Baby, Drilling. The explanation is "inflation," just like the unasailable reason for shutting down our economy in 2020, a reason you were forbidden to challenge, was Covid.

So when the reporters and the insiders tell you they feel your financial pain, that might be an overstatement on their part. Honestly. They haven't got a clue.

Hang tough.
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