
Open Letter to Lyin' Joe

June 2nd, 2021 2:04 pm
“Never try to negotiate with anyone after he or she has eaten breakfast. And forget power breakfasts. There is no convincing anyone of anything before 10 a.m.” Dr. Joyce Brothers

June 2, 2021, And Every Wednesday

By: Linda Case Gibbons, Esq.
(Check Out Lest We Forget and FYI)
Joe, Joe, Joe. The Pandemic is over and we know, you’re oh so sad. 

Even though Dr. Fauci has done his level best to keep the Lockdown Party going, he can’t help you anymore.

Because no one listens to Tony. Not anymore. He’s been wrong too many times, and his “gain of function” denial is upsetting. (Even if we don’t really know what that is.)

So, you can keep on wearing a mask, like Nancy Pelosi, but if you look inside the little blue and white ones, you’ll see they’re “Made in China.” 

Sort of like you and Hunter. In fact, the whole Biden family.

China and Russia have been very good to your family. So why would you put the kibosh on anything these countries do? Like cyber hacking.

You wouldn’t.

It has been our country’s policy never to negotiate with terrorists. 

In fact, U.S. Criminal Code §2339B “prohibits facilitating of material support to designated foreign terrorist organizations.”

That’s because paying ransoms only serves to bankroll terrorists.

But you didn’t punish these foreign terrorists, rumored to be a criminal organization based in Russia. You could have, but you didn’t. 

The problem is, when you negotiate with terrorists, you only get more of the same.

And sure enough, we did. You let cybercriminals hack the Colonial Oil Pipeline, then refused to comment on it, so it happened again. 

This week the world’s largest meat processing company, JBS USA, was disrupted by a cyberattack. 

The White House was notified by that company of a ransom demand from the terroristss, perhaps in Russia, or even China, as was the case with the oil pipeline. But Americans were never told if ransom money had been paid. 

Just like Americans weren’t told that Obama gave $150 billion dollars to Iran. A country that your administration has also supported, jumping through hoops for the mullahs. In that respect, Obama is right. Your presidency is indeed a third term for him.

And so, terrorists were emboldened by your administration’s weak response to the earlier cybercrime.

It may be ironic, but is too coincidental to be a coincidence, that our oil and meat were targeted.
The very things to which your Green friends are opposed. The things they are determined to destroy.

So, one might ask, who exactly are the terrorists, Joe? 

“According to the intelligence community, terrorism from white supremacy is the most lethal threat to the homeland today.” 

That’s what you told an audience gathered for the 100th anniversary of the 1921 race massacre in Tulsa.

“Not ISIS,” you said. “Not Al Qaeda. White supremacists.”

And not Russia. Or China. It’s never Russia and never China. You have too much to lose if you accused these countries, our enemies.

And then, while you were at it, you threw President Trump under the bus one more time with a lie so old, it was dusty.

 “What happened in Greenwood (Tulsa) was an act of hate and domestic terrorism, with a through-line that exists today,” you said. “Just close your eyes and remember what you saw in Charlottesville four years ago on television.”

That was a lie. What you said happened, didn’t. What you said he said, he didn't.

"There were very fine people on both sides, and I'm not talking about the Neo-Nazis and white supremacists, because they should be condemned totally." 

That was President Trump’s real comment on the unfortunate Charlottesville protest. 

But the truth doesn’t matter to you. It never has.

You promised you would unite America under your leadership, but you didn’t.

And you continue to do what Barack Hussein Obama did. Lie to the "stupid" American people, doing your very best to ramp up racism.

We understand. It’s the only way to Let Obama’s Socialism Ring.

Hold the line, America.
Where We Go One, We Go All
Stay strong, Patriots

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