
It's Not Easy Being Trump

March 22nd, 2023 5:02 pm
“There was nothing politicians liked to do more than Monday morning quarterback decisions that they themselves wouldn’t have the guts to make.” Kyle Mill, American Writer

March 22, 2023, And Every Wednesday

By Linda Case Gibbons, Esq.
(Check out Lest We Forget and FYI.)
Lincoln had it tough, and being president doesn’t seem to be getting any easier.

“If you don’t do that, we won’t do this.”

That’s basically the deal Donald Trump is being offered by New York District Attorney Alvin Bragg. 

And everyone knows what it is. It’s blackmail: 

If Trump withdraws as a presidential candidate, Bragg will make Trump’s  legal problems disappear.

And everyone knows why. 

Democrats are scared silly. They know they can’t win except by cheating. And by sidelining Trump.

Today on the WMAL Larry O’Connor radio show, O’Connor passed along some unusual advice from a friend of his, a talk show host whose name I didn’t catch.

This guy, secure in a world made secure by Trump, warned Trump supporters not to risk arrest and imprisonment by going to the Manhattan Criminal Courthouse to support him.

He said this was because of what happened on January 6. We agree. We know that Biden has made it clear, “support Trump and you’ll rot in jail.”

But then he added that Trump did nothing for those who were arrested and who are still in jail. 

Maybe he forgot that Trump has been busy cleaning up Mar-a-Lago after the FBI raided it, and after doing everything as president except mopping the floors in the White House.

You could say people who say things like this are selfish, if that’s what you want to call it. 

Maybe ungrateful would be better. 

They don’t understand why Trump’s supporters are devoted to him. The “’I’d-Take-A-Bullet-For-Him” type of loyalty.

To the Joe Biden and Hillary Clinton types, people are just things to be used. And when they’re done with them, they’re done. 

Take a look at what happened to Hillary’s favorite guy, Harvey Weinstein.

Trump doesn’t operate that way.

The Donald is like a friend you’d talk to over a cup of hot chocolate. (The Donald doesn't drink coffee.)

He’s like a mother hen, who brought home the bacon for our country, fried it up in a pan, and had the guts to say and do what other politicians didn’t.

That’s why he’s respected. That’s why his supporters want to protect him.

As president, when the going got tough, he showed up, through two bogus impeachments, and six years of Democrat/media persecution. 

And through his entire administration when he had to endure constant Deep State devious harassment, yet he never took his "'eye off the lowest sparrow" in his care.

Now, I think it’s time for others put a shoulder to the wheel.

Sadly, at this time, with the approach of Easter, and Trump’s indictment imminent, one cannot help comparing that long-ago political trial in Jerusalem with the one playing out in New York City.

It wasn’t easy being Jesus Chris, George Washington, or Abraham Lincoln. And it hasn’t been easy being Donald John Trump. He, like they, is one of a kind.

Hold the line, America.
Keep President Trump in your prayers.
Stay strong, Patriots.
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